GGF Chairs- The following groups have scheduled their session(s) for GGF13. If you have not done so and you would like to meet at GGF13 please follow instructions at http://www.ggf.org/Meetings/GGF13/WG_Chairs_Update.htm. NOTE: Draft documents that will be discussed during your working session MUST be submitted to me on or before THIS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. If you are discussing a document and you do not submit that document to me I will remove your session(s) from the GGF13 schedule. (Even if your draft document will have a new version before GGF13 please send me the latest version. You may send me the newest version later) APME Application Developers and Users (APPS-RG) Astronomical Grid Community (ASTRO-RG) Life Sciences Grid (LSG-RG) Preservation Environments (PE-RG) Production Grid Management (PGM-RG) ARCH Open Grid Serivces Architecture (OGSA-WG) Enterprise Grid Requirements (EGR-RG) DATA Data Access and Integration Services (DATA-WG) Grid File Systems (GFS-WG) Grid Storage Management (GSM-WG) Information Dissemination (INFOD-WG) Transaction Management (TM-RG) GRID SEC Open Grid Service Architecture Authorization (OGSA-AUTHZ-WG) ISP CIM based Grid Schema (CGS-WG) P2P GGF Process (Process-WG) Appliance Aggregation (APPAGG-RG) SRM Configuration Description, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management (CDDLM-WG) Distributed Resource Management Application (DRMAA-WG) Grid Resource Allocation Agreeement Protocol (GRAAP-WG) Job Submission Description Language (JSDL-WG) OGSA Resource Usage Service (RUS-WG) Grid Scheduling Architecture (GSA-RG) Stacey Giannese Manager of Community Activities Global Grid Forum (Phone) 630-252-6444 (Cell) 708-935-2951 (Fax) 630-252-4466