Dear Chairs, AD's,
I've received a number of questions about the OGF20 Chair Appreciation
night. My team was delaying communication about this event until we
determined the overall event's financial stability, but I am sorry to inform
you that due to the costs of the overall event and the exchange rate between
the US Dollar and British Pound, we cannot afford a Chair Appreciation
dinner at this event. For those of you who will be in Manchester both
Tuesday and Thursday nights, note that we will be having receptions on both
nights, and you are all welcome to join those activities.
I do not wish this announcement to be interpreted in any way that we are
terminating this long-standing tradition nor that you as key contributors
and leaders in our community are any less valuable. We look forward to
continuing this tradition at future events.
I want to take this opportunity to personally thank each of you for your
hard work and hope that for those of you who are attending OGF20, you find
the remainder of the event highly satisfying.
Steve Crumb
Executive Director, OGF
+1 312-895-5931 (new)