Dear WG/RG chairs:
The GGF is working to improve infrastructure for the work of research and
working groups. We would appreciate any constructive feedback or ideas you
have about how to better serve the needs of your WG/RG.
Among other things, we're looking at further enhancements to make GridForge
easier to use, or to identify other familiar tools that make the work of the
groups more efficient. One alternative is to continue to use GridForge as a
document repository while using other web-based tools for other activities.
For example, we've heard some requests for blog and Wiki tools, as well as
for tighter integration of mailing lists with Gridforge.
The GGF, and the many activities of its working groups and research groups,
has some fairly complex needs. For this reason, we don't expect there will
be just one simple-to-use software package that will meet all of those
needs. Your ideas will help us to choose where to devote our efforts for
better supporting WG/RG activities, and in identifying possibly useful
Stacey Giannese
Manager of Community Activities
Global Grid Forum
(Phone) 630-252-6444
(Cell) 708-935-2951
(Fax) 630-252-4466