GGF Chairs-
It's that time again for me to find out which of your groups plan on
attending GGF13 in Korea and which ones do not. Leaders in the Asia-Pacific
region have estimated that we can expect around 500 participants just from
their region. Many of these will be newcomers while others will be
veterans in grid computing, both from research and from industry. In either
case, Seoul is a great opportunity for your group to extend its influence
and its participation. Furthermore, GGF leadership is planning to
communicate several of the outcomes of the strategic activities that are
being completed during the 4th quarter. It will be a meeting you do not
want to miss!
GGF leadership also realizes that for some of you, traveling to Seoul is a
huge commitment of time and resource for both you and your group members.
This is one of many challenges of being a Global community. The secretariat
is developing a FAQ sheet that will not only supply you with costs of
attending (airfare, lodging, registration fees, etc.) but will also give a
snapshot of some of the activities you can expect during the event. We hope
you can use this information to educate your group members on the value of
participating in GGF13.
GGF needs your strong leadership in helping get your group volunteers to be
part of what Seoul will have to offer your group. Please take some time
today to initiate with your group concerning participation in the Seoul
meeting. I would like to have some idea of which groups are planning to
meet in Seoul (and which may not) before the end of the year, so please
respond promptly. Keep an eye on next week for additional
information about the event, including the opening of advanced registration.
Please send me email back with the name of your group and if you plan on
holding a working session or not at GGF13.
Thank you,
Stacey Giannese
Manager of Community Activities
Global Grid Forum
(Phone) 630-252-6444
(Cell) 708-935-2951
(Fax) 630-252-4466