Good point. The problem is that lengthKind-'explicit' is being used for two things:
a) a length that is static
b) a length that is calculated the DFDL serializer must assume that the expression needs to be evaluated.

For occursCountKind we have separate values for 'fixed' and 'expression'. If we did not, then occursCountKind would have the same problem except that it would affect defaulting rather than padding.


Tim Kimber, DFDL Team,
Hursley, UK
Tel. 01962-816742  
Internal tel. 37246742

From:        Steve Hanson/UK/IBM@IBMGB
Date:        11/09/2012 12:27
Subject:        [DFDL-WG] Action 183 - chicken-and-egg situation with lengths given        by expressions
Sent by:

This mail is on the expected behaviour of the DFDL unparser when writing out a 'data' element the length of which is held in an earlier 'len' element.

There are several scenarios, some straightforward and some that exhibit a chicken-and-egg behaviour.  The principle of what happens is understood, the action is to make sure that the behaviour is explained in enough detail in the spec to enable implementations to be consistent. (Note - IBM DFDL does not yet support outputVaueCalc so has not hit this yet).

Scenarios follow. The 'data' element shown is simple, but the same principles apply if it is complex.

1) 'len' is set from infoset

- 'len' can be set in augmented infoset

- No issue as 'data's length expression may be evaluated

 <xsd:element name="message1">



       <xsd:element name="len" type="xsd:int"
                    dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="2" />

       <xsd:element name="data" type="xsd:string"

                    dfdl:length="{/message1/len}" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" />




2) 'len' is set using outputValueCalc with fixed expression

- When 'len's outputValueCalc is encountered, it can be evaluated then and there

- 'len' can be set in augmented infoset

- No issue as 'data's length expression may be evaluated

 <xsd:element name="message1">



       <xsd:element name="len" type="xsd:int"
                    dfdl:outputValueCalc="{10}" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="2" />

       <xsd:element name="data" type="xsd:string"

                    dfdl:length="{/message1/len}" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" />




3) 'len' is set using outputValueCalc with reference 'data' (unpadded)

- When 'len's outputValueCalc is encountered, it can not yet be evaluated as it depends on the length of 'data'

- 'len' can not yet be set in augmented infoset

- Problem as 'data's length expression can not be evaluated

- But we do know the unpadded length of 'data' so 'len's outputValueCalc can now be evaluated

- In turn this means that  'data's length expression can now be evaluated

 <xsd:element name="message1">



       <xsd:element name="len" type="xsd:int"
                    dfdl:outputValueCalc="{dfdl:unpaddedLength(/message1/data)}" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="2" />

       <xsd:element name="data" type="xsd:string"

                    dfdl:length="{/message1/len}" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" />




4) 'len' is set using outputValueCalc with reference 'data' (padded)

- When 'len's outputValueCalc is encountered, it can not yet be evaluated as it depends on the length of 'data'

- 'len' can not yet be set in augmented infoset

- Problem as 'data's length expression can not be evaluated

- We don't know the padded length of 'data' because we don't know 'len'
- Problem: 'data's length expression can never be evaluated

 <xsd:element name="message1">



       <xsd:element name="len" type="xsd:int"
                    dfdl:outputValueCalc="{dfdl:representationLength(/message1/data)}" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="2" />

       <xsd:element name="data" type="xsd:string"

                    dfdl:length="{/message1/len}" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" />





Steve Hanson
Architect, Data Format Description Language (DFDL)
OGF DFDL Working Group
IBM SWG, Hursley, UK

Steve Hanson/UK/IBM
04/09/2012 17:31
Fw: Behaviour for lengthKind 'endOfparent' is still not fully specified

DFDL WG call 4th Sept 2012:

1) Agreed that for binary data, only xs:hexBinary and packed/BCD allowed to have endOfParent

2) Agreed this is the correct behaviour when filling to a known length

3) Agreed this is the correct behaviour when filling to a known length

4) Agreed this is the correct behaviour when filling to a known length

It was noted that lengthKind 'explicit' on the parent may not result in a known length if the length is an expression. This is an example of a more general chicken-and-egg situation with lengths given by expressions, for which outputValueCalc and DFDL functions unpaddedLength() were added can be used. Action raised to ensure that the behaviour of an implementation is fully defined by the spec.


Steve Hanson
Architect, Data Format Description Language (DFDL)
OGF DFDL Working Group
IBM SWG, Hursley, UK

----- Forwarded by Steve Hanson/UK/IBM on 04/09/2012 17:24 -----

Steve Hanson/UK/IBM
To: <>
04/09/2012 14:08
Behaviour for lengthKind 'endOfparent' is still not fully specified

Noted when I reviewed latest spec - endOfParent and unparsing is not fully thought through.

The spec today says that I can use endOfParent with binary data. There is a restriction in section 12.3.8, but it only applies when an element is endOfParent and its parent is lengthKind delimited.

There are a couple of cases to consider:

1) Binary data of restricted length (see list in other email "proposed clarification/narrowing - delimited binary data should decimal"). I don't think it makes sense to allow these. We don't allow these binary reps for delimited.

2) Text data of variable length when unparsing. Box scenario. If the data in the infoset is shorter than the space in the box, what we do?  I think we should pad to box length with appropriate padChar, according to justification, as that is effectively a 'specified length'. Error if textPadKind is 'none'. Use parent's lengthUnits.

3) HexBinary data of variable length when unparsing. Box scenario. If the data in the infoset is shorter than the space in the box, what we do?  I think we should right-pad to box length with fill byte, as that is effectively a 'specified length'.

4) Packed/BCD binary data of variable length when unparsing. Box scenario. If the data in the infoset is shorter than the space in the box, what we do?  I think we should pad to box length with zero bytes, according to justification, as that is effectively a 'specified length'.  (Must be zero bytes and not fill byte as must be numeric in order to be parsed).

In relation to 2 - 4, note that lengthKind 'endOfParent' can only be used with a parent lengthKind of 'explicit', 'pattern', 'prefixed' or 'endOfParent' or a choice with choiceLengthKind 'explicit', so the box scenario when unparsing therefore occurs only when lengthKind is 'explicit' or choiceLengthKind is 'explicit' - these are the cases when the length is known.  Also note that when there are nested 'endOfParent' elements (which is allowed) then all padding must be done on the simple element (ie, the innermost element), to ensure that what is output can be parsed.


Steve Hanson
Architect, Data Format Description Language (DFDL)
OGF DFDL Working Group
IBM SWG, Hursley, UK

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