Proposed Errata for expression language functions to add argument and result type information where it is not otherwise specified.

Section is amended to state:

All the date/time functions return type xs:integer except fn:seconds-from-dateTime and fn:seconds-from-time are amended to specify that they return seconds (whole and fractional) as an xs:decimal value.

Section 23.5.2 is amended to state that all the functions return type xs:boolean

Section 23.5.6 function fn:local-name return type is changed to xs:string. (DFDL does not have type xs:NCName)

Section 23.5.3

Functions dfdl:contentLength and dfdl:valueLength descriptions are amended to specify the type of the second argument is xs:string.

Function dfdl:testBit is amended to specify that the types of the arguments are xs:unsignedByte and xs:integer respectively.

Function dfdl:stringLiteralFromString is amended to specify that the return value of type xs:string containing a DFDL string literal.

Mike Beckerle | OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | Tresys Technology |