Agreed on WG call that the match should be case-sensitive and that dfdl:ignoreCase is not used as these are not representation properties.

Steve Hanson
OGF DFDL Working Group
IBM SWG, Hursley, UK

From:        Andrew Edwards/UK/IBM@IBMGB
Date:        25/06/2014 17:30
Subject:        [DFDL-WG] Direct Dispatch case insensitivity on matching
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In section 15 Choices, we define the direct dispatch method of choice resolution.  For the choiceDispatchKey, we make the statements that...

The expression must evaluate to an xs:string which must not be the empty string.


The resultant string must match the dfdl:choiceBranchKey property value of one of the element branches of the choice. This match is case insensitive.

The use of a case insensitive match can be a bit of a performance inhibitor, and given that direct dispatch is intended to aid performance optimising the model, it kinda gets in the way.  If an end user needs case insensitive searches then they can always define all of their branchKeys in one case and manually fold the dispatchKey into that case in their expression (toLower/toUpper).  Can I propose that we remove the criteria that the match be case insensitive.

The ignoreCase option may also play a part here.


Andy Edwards - IBM Integration Bus - DFDL

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