On 08/17/2017 02:47 PM, John Newman wrote:

On Aug 17, 2017, at 5:18 PM, Ryan Carboni <ryacko@gmail.com> wrote:

ah yes, you mentioned Nazis in the government?

It was a nazi that got America to the moon - good old Wernher.

My dad, a Zionist Jew,  worked at Nasa Huntsville while he was there. He told me he was drawing caricatures of the Paperclip Rocket Nazi and leaving them on his own desk for people to see. Then "The guys in suits" showed up and told him: "Colonel (x). Doctor Von Braun is a guest of the US government and you (affects Capt Klink, Hogans Heroes, mock german voce) VILL DO NAHTHINK to embarrass him."




there is a secret society of Nazis tasked by THE Kennedy to protect American democracy. Maybe they are connected with all the Nazis the CIA rescued from WWII?

Nah they're the ones Wilson and Shea spoke of in Illuminatus! mothballed in suspended animation at the bottom of a Bavarian lake waiting for the correct frequency to wake them. And the occasional Croat or Uke camp guard discovered living innocuously into their 90s in some bumfuck place in Illinois. Someone owed them a favor and had a connection. Nationalist orgs who had organized militias for the allies could make those connects.


uh.... yeah. after the cubs won the world series, the weirdness only broke free

The legend of the Special Forces Underground reaches back to the same period. The story is that President Kennedy, an outspoken critic of the military-industrial complex, pulled selected Special Forces officers aside when he visited Fort Bragg in October of 1961. In a very informal conversation he asked these officers to promise that if the US military was ever used against the people of the United States the men of the Special Forces would use their very unique training to assist the people. According to the legend, this promise has been passed down through the decades to some of the soldiers wearing the Green Beret today. These men make up what the media and DOD investigations have referred to as “The Special Forces Underground.”
