human resources
worker 47: “hello? my team would like to take some time to cry. is anybody here to  point me to the correct paperwork?”
people are bustling to and fro, carrying things, beating each other up abusevily, dueling runaway powersuits using spy gear, balancing budgets, etc
worker 33 [carrying two confused workers with waggling legs]: “oh! yes. let me find the paperwork for you”
worker 33 [calling back]: “where is the paperwork for a team to cry?”
voice from around corner: “what in the world are you talking about?”
worker 47 wrings their hands and looks distressed
[two nerds riding domesticated runaway powersuits and carrying semifake lightsabers dismount and ask about the inquiry into crying forms

traffick boss: “remember that opera about vomiting —
suddenly traffick boss is interrupted by spasmodic convulsions that take him over
wealthy investor observes
traffick boss: “i meant to do that!”
— 1402

rebel worker 5 is in the computer core rooms above the research project —
spiders and small androids from other dimensions and — [coming out of computer core, infesting it [rebel worker 5 working despite them them trying to harvest worker 5’s body for resources while works

traffick boss [adapting to prison, asking of rebel deliverer]: “i would like another cigar please”
rebel deliverer looks at wealthy investor
rebel deliverer: “okay”

rebel deliverer brings a second cigar to traffick boss

traffick boss takes his two cigars to the corner of his prison, his castle

he puts them on the floor and looks at them smugly


group of interns with wooden copter look at wormhole eating spacetime and spewing intelligent matter
influential intern: “who’s scared?”
influential intern: “i’m scared too. but we’ve practiced for this —