On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 6:58 PM, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
<punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Mon, 04 Apr 2022 23:56:07 +0000
zeynepaydogan <zeynepaydogan@protonmail.com> wrote:

> > I have an idea for you jim. Kill your piece of shit self, along with your coworker 'karl'
> I used to get mad at you for saying "kill yourself" to people. But now I think every word you say is true.

    Well, I say that to people who side with the US empire, and thus show that they have a preference for murder. Since they think murder is OK, they can apply it to themselves. Oh and jim thinks that murdering car thieves is OK too and is the 'libertarian' way to deal with theft...

>Today, CIA media reported that civilians in Ukraine were shot and killed in the street. The irony is, there's not a drop of blood on the street. The Ukrainian army tied the hands of civilians. They starved them and tortured them. These people were found dead with their hands tied. They say the Russian army did it. That's what the CIA media said.Govlick like Jim Bell share it here. I don't believe in any government, but this lie is unbelievable.


    "The Washington Post claims..."

    Priceless. Anyway, the antiwar.com article above is what an actual libertarian, or even anybody with a shred on intelectual honesty would write. Which is not the case of bell and accomplices...

Jim Bell's comment follows:

Ínterestingly, the article cited above says:

"Moreover, on March 31 the mayor of Bucha, Anatoly Fedoruk, confirmed in his video address that there was no Russian military in the town, but did not even mention any local residents laying shot in the streets with their hands tied," the Russian Defense Ministry said."

"The response from Moscow also suggested that the massacres happened after Russian forces exited the area."


Jim Bell:

Yet, I just read an article from the New York Times which stated that satellite photography has shown that the bodies had been there a relatively long time:


April 4, 2022

Malachy BrowneDavid Botti and 

Satellite images show bodies lay in Bucha for weeks, despite Russian claims.

Satellite Images Rebut Russia’s Claim on Bucha
Satellite images rebut Russia’s claim that the killing of civilians in Bucha occurred after its soldiers had left town, a Times analysis found. Video contains graphic images.CreditCredit...Maxar Technologies

"An analysis of satellite images by The New York Times rebuts claims by Russia that the killing of civilians in Bucha, a suburb of Kyiv, occurred after its soldiers had left the town."

"When images emerged over the weekend of the bodies of dead civilians lying on the streets of Bucha — some with their hands bound, some with gunshot wounds to the head — Russia’s Ministry of Defense denied responsibility. In a Telegram post on Sunday, the ministry suggested that the bodies had been recently placed on the streets after “all Russian units withdrew completely from Bucha” around March 30."

"Russia claimed that the images were “another hoax” and called for an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting on what it called “provocations of Ukrainian radicals” in Bucha."

"But a review of videos and satellite imagery by The Times shows that many of the civilians were killed more than three weeks ago, when Russia’s military was in control of the town."

"One video filmed by a local council member on April 1 shows multiple bodies scattered along Yablonska Street in Bucha. Satellite images provided to The Times by Maxar Technologies show that at least 11 of those had been on the street since March 11, when Russia, by its own account, occupied the town."

( End of quote)

Also, the foolish Russian statement said:

"It’s particularity concerning that all the bodies of people whose images were published by the Kyiv regime, after at least four days, have not stiffened, do not have characteristic cadaveric spots, and have fresh blood in their wounds," The defense ministry statement continued.

(End of quote)

Jim Bell continues:

The clueless Russian author may be pretending not to understand that 'rigor mortis' eventually ends.  How long?  It is probably related to body temperature.