On Aug 10, 2016 9:52 PM, "Mirimir" <mirimir@riseup.net> wrote:
> On 08/10/2016 06:17 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> >
> > So much prejudice, aff...  Very disgusting.  Judge a person for their gender and for their sexuality is very stupid.
> Just to be clear, I'm not judging anyone's sexuality. I'm pointing out that the community has a double standard. That people like Jake who act male (even if they're gay or bisexual) get lynched. But people who are just as promiscuous, but act female or androgynous, get a pass. They get to be victims.

I got your point, my love, but I do try to refuse this kind of social condescension, all these labels.  I am not weaker for being a woman.  I am not a victim.  And yes, I think it's very disgusting when a person uses their gender to get benefits.  And yes again, it was very depressing, really unfair and nocive to see how some people managed their labels against a "white North American man", being he really guilty or not.  :((

This kind of fake situation creates more prejudice, and more stupid labels, and more and more social judgements.  The real victims of rape, of all kinds of brutality and harassment, will lose their credibility, because of stupid fucking liars and it's sad, unfair, wrong and very, very hurtful for real victims!  :((

In the other side, I already told you I have transgender friends and make volunteer work in LGBTQ groups, my love.  There are much hate and intolerance against them.  It's really hard.

There is so much prejudice against them that it's really hard to discover the limits between true prejudice or not.  Even working with them, in some moments, involuntarily, I make horrible gaffes.  :(

Once, I was explaining that a female trans friend was born a man and was waiting for her hormonal treatment and another trans friend said it was very offensive for everybody, because my friend always was a woman, since her birth.  She was not born a man.  I was talking about chromosomes, genetics only, but I hurt a friend involuntarily.  :(((

Do you understand how hard is having sensibility enough to avoid hurting fragile people, my love?  So, be careful, please.  Love you!  :*