A recent and brief introduction to the subject of money especially as it relates to cryptocurrencies:



On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 11:40 AM, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 5:46 AM, John Levine <johnl@iecc.com> wrote:
>>Posted on Jun 15, 2017 by Caleb Chen
>>These are the 4 Senators that want to create a way to track your
>>digital currencies at the US border ...
> I'm getting the impression that nobody here but me has actually read
> the bill.
> It's really about prepaid debit cards.

With your eye on the microscope, yes, but DC's are included too.
With a big picture regarding new philosophies, absolutely not.

> The US and many other
> countries have for a long time required you to...

Before the NWO controls of the 1930s and beyond, which is
hardly 85 of 245 years of US "money" existance, other than
controlling the physical printing / minting of it, the US didn't
really give a shit what you did with it, nor care much what you
called "money".
The philosophy of "money" was more "freedom" oriented
and decentralized and having some of Bitcoin's (DC's) fundamental, even
"alternative / libertarian / anarchism / independant / multiple" principles.

Find some history and things...

> adding them to the list of cash-like things.
> all it does is make them subject to the same rules

Status quo apologist copout from those unable to
consider working, cohabitant, symbiotic, even better,
innovation, empowerment, and alternatives.

The point, from many creators, proponents, adopters, users,
is that DC's... like the crypto internet so far to free / freedom of
communications... are not about seeking "more like".

> If I thought bitcoin were important (I don't) I'd be thrilled that the
> law was changing to treat it more like real money.

So what exactly is *real money*?
Do you really think it is compressing only into what some
bureaucrats arbitrarily call "cash-like things"?
And that arbitrary rule[rs] define the only possible scope of validity?
Your ability to use it?

Get "real" and dig yourselves and minds out of todays
"legal" / political / philosophical strictures.

If not you'll soon be forced to report and tax that plate of
chicken you grilled for your neighbor who helped you
build your patio. "Legally" you probably already are,
and are subject to jailing and forfeiture for it.