2016-09-27 0:04 GMT+03:00 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net>:
In the context of the Cold War, now arriving at the boiling point due
to the Bush/Obama Administration's belligerent posture toward Russia,
the U.S. annexation of Ukraine via a (literally) Nazi proxy force
makes strategic sense:  It was a destabilizing military and economic
provocation against the Russian Federation, and has been followed by a
massive conventional force buildup on Europe's eastern borders, adding
pressure to the weight of U.S. controlled strategic nuclear assets
that were /already/ present on that border.  These deployments must be
countered, which ties up Russian military assets and reduces that
country's force projection capabilities in North Africa and the Middle

Russia's continuing support of the ethnic Russian enclave on Ukraine's
eastern border also makes strategic sense:  It prevents full
consolidation of power by the U.S. installed government, prevents
routine deployment of East-facing U.S. controlled forces on the
Ukraine/Russian border, and provides a potential haven for Ukrainian
insurgents working against the government in Kiev.

Crimea's value to Russia is self explanatory, and I do not recall
hearing anything about the populace turning out to protest the orderly
handover of power to Russia in preference to a U.S. sponsored gang of
(literal) Nazis.  Rather the opposite, and I saw no evidence that the
U.S. even /tried/ to retain Crimea.

The "USA Number One!" mentality of comfortable Middle Class Amerikans
makes sense of a kind: Their continued material prosperity relative to
the former Working Class /does/ depend on global terrorism, enforced
poverty, mass murder, cities reduced to rubble and refugee columns,
etc. as the U.S. war of global economic conquest continues.  They
deserve to see the same things happen to their own children and
families, and if they continue to get their own way they WILL see that
- - unless they happen to be closer to ground zero "on the day."
Unfortunately, this cheerful little scenario involves dragging those
/not/ responsible for all that human misery and heaped, dead burnt
bodies down into the same hell.

The real conflict here is not West vs. East or even USA vs. The Rest
Of The World.  It is the human race, vs. its own parasitic ruling
class and their faithful servants.  The parasites have already lost;
if they do not surrender their power voluntarily (impossible),
environmental limits enforced by the laws of physics will destroy that
power (inevitable).  Now the only game in town is about reducing the
final body count, which no rational scenario places at less than a
couple of billion, and preserving essential long term survival
resources for the survivors.  And that's where radical populist
politics enters the scene.  Communication is vitally important in
political warfare, and providing the best possible tools to Our Side
is the mission that makes "cypherpunk" bullshit worth doing.

thank you very much for this email!!! THANK YOU! I will send it to all my Russian brothers who speak English to show them.... a great example of a Human Being from the bloody-fucken "West".
* (except the emails from Zenaan that i usually send them)