I find the work by the 9/11 Consensus Panel to be the best-documented, most detailed, and most sober set of questions about the event that I've read.

they have quite a bit of good evidence collected regarding WTC 7, both the official and plausible stories about what brought it down, and the questions that they think remain. I agree with them. The explanations are ad hoc, often stretching the limits of credulity, often at odds with whatever physical evidence remains, and as in WTC 1 and 2, posit a mechanism for building collapse that, whatever else you think about it, has never been seen before or since, despite the fact that planes do crash into buildings and fires do happen in buildings pretty frequently.

all their stuff is worth going through, but here's the WTC 7 material:


- z

On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 4:37 AM grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Show docs / pics of any significant damage to 7 attributed and
accepted by analysts as being from *planes* bits. 7 appears done
by the north tower ejecting into it, and resulting fire.

Anyway, 9/11 was done by governments fuckery around the world.

Which in the worst cases, were peaceful dissolutions to fail,
would take excess efforts to root them out...
