
Long story short:

A Tor dev "pastly" on OFTC muted me ("remotecontrolledboy") in their off topic channel relating to asking about an event some years ago with coderman.  pastly and I also had some positive interactions supporting users of Tor and did not stop me from slightly raising the bar.

I'm thinking of posting something like this in their main channel: 

"pastly, some of our experienced people running an onion host were recently deanonymized by DHS.  zenaan harkness has collected a number of needed improvements to Tor to prevent such deanonymization in a project called IQNets.  we understand that handling this is difficult and are happy to eventually resolve it ourselves, but things could go a lot better if we worked together.  The history of the nascent IQNets project is stored in the on-chain repositories managed by bsv address 1CQKe1veVPUaxpeYXeqAHnA4SJQpnbfZ2v.  dumpster fires are for staying anonymous in many different ways.  would you be willing to unmute me in #tor-offtopic?"

I tried to post the private key to that address when I posted the exconfidetial repo.  Not attached to it.

If no clear reply is received by me I'll take it as indication to proceed however I feel.

Thank you.



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en masse, for profit.