Oh, yeah, like Van Gogh, give an ear of yours as a love gift!  S/He will never forget you!  ;)

Please, I know it's very shocking to see Chuck Norris - aka God - using a mask, but avoid more and more public hysteria.  It is NOT rational, NEITHER mentally healthy for anyone.

As a little sad boy said much before me, "I see dead people".  It's always disgusting to say goodbye to corpses, but someday it will be my time of taking my favorite almonds tea with Lady Death and talking about amenities.

Virus or not, there is something killing my friends, but despair, panic, hysterical behavior are definitely not the key for solving anything.  

I do love the Sciences because I have strong personal reasons for it.  My freedom of choice, my faith.  You can pray to a piece of wood and I will try to respect your beliefs, so try to respect mine too, please.  I do really think Chemistry, Biology, and all the other Sciences, the rational knowledge in general can save more people than all the churches of this galaxy together.  

(And, well, I keep praying all the days and nights because a piece of my heart wanted to believe again in a lovely merciful God...  the God of my early childhood, able to give me rains, rainbows, and saving my friends...  Probably just one of my imaginary friends, less interesting than Mirimir or grarpamp.)

Psychological pathology or not, the hysterical behavior and the panic of some people is certainly collaborating to government's data manipulation, to the complete lack of our privacy in name of a "greater good", and to the strategical elimination of specific persons.

Please, stop crying for pretending to be a good person and do something really useful for this world.  Stop governments.  It will be millions of times more useful than donating your ear and a mask to someone.