Two lines dropped, they are added below

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020, 3:17 PM Karl <> wrote:
From the orders of my beloved boss-dictator,

The enslaved cyborg came into the room of playing children, who were role-playing rebels and dictators, ready to automatically vivisect and kill them.
A child walked up to the cyborg, and said,
"Dude, your implants are hanging out the back of your skull with a bunch of semi-attached brain tissue!"
Two other children started social media livestreams.

Another cyborg walked up, focused intently on the confused laughing first one.

The first turned to the second and said, in a confused, traumatized way,
"Uhh.. Did you know your boss's implants are hanging out the back of their skull with a bunch of semi-attached brain tissue?  We've been making social media livestreams of it," as if begging for help while laughing uncontrollably.

The second cyborg put his hands on the shoulders of the first, caringly delivering the appropriate vivisecting-torture punishment for wanting freedom or being different: "We're going to get through this, man.  We're going to get through this."  He looked into their eyes, welling vicious tears.

The first cyborg looked into the livestream cameras.
"We ..."
 The second added,
"were vivisected"
 A third came up,
"In order to take over the world"
 and they all said,
"For a mafia"
And the children added in, recognising the celebration,
"made of rich people and mean kings!"

And the second cyborg said, "And we desperately need your help."
The first added, "We are very sorry for turning your people into zombies.  We don't know how to stop."

After a pause, one kid said, "You forgot to mention how your minds were trained symbiotically with old machine learning algorithms to produce reliable obedience, predictability, and deniability unlike anything anyone could imagine."

Also computer viruses.

I'm having a multi-day psychotic break and meant to stay private until it passes.  I wasn't expecting to send an email, and haven't read mine.  Hope I didn't interrupt anything important.  They should make movies like these cool stories.