Yes, a truly amazing discovery.

On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 6:36 PM, grarpamp
<> wrote:
On 7/26/23, jim bell <> wrote:
> That report of a room-temp, ambient pressure superconductor is amazing
> grarpamp wrote:

They also filed a patent...

Room temperature and normal pressure superconducting ceramic compound,
and method for manufacturing same...

Yes Jim, if people have been able to validate the claims,
which it seems they are still in the process of trying to do?

Then it would need to fall within manufacturing at
acceptable cost-benefit to the end purchasing user.

Similar recent examples might be...

Verification of the EmDrive Microwave Resonant Cavity ...

Publication of Bob Lazar's alien antimatter gravity drives
that the USGov is said to own instances of...

Superconducting computing

Superconducting logic refers to a class of logic circuits or logic
gates that use the unique properties of superconductors, including
zero-resistance wires, ultrafast Josephson junction switches, and
quantization of magnetic flux (fluxoid). Superconducting computing is
a form of cryogenic computing, as superconductive electronic circuits
require cooling to cryogenic temperatures for operation, typically
below 10 kelvin. Often superconducting computing is applied to quantum
computing, with an important application known as superconducting
quantum computing.

Superconducting digital logic circuits use single flux quanta (SFQ),
also known as magnetic flux quanta, to encode, process, and transport
data. SFQ circuits are made up of active Josephson junctions and
passive elements such as inductors, resistors, transformers, and
transmission lines. Whereas voltages and capacitors are important in
semiconductor logic circuits such as CMOS, currents and inductors are
most important in SFQ logic circuits. Power can be supplied by either
direct current or alternating current, depending on the SFQ logic
Fundamental concepts

The primary advantage of superconducting computing is improved power
efficiency over conventional CMOS technology. Much of the power
consumed, and heat dissipated, by conventional processors comes from
moving information between logic elements rather than the actual logic
operations. Because superconductors have zero electrical resistance,
little energy is required to move bits within the processor. This is
expected to result in power consumption savings of a factor of 500 for
an exascale computer.[1] For comparison, in 2014 it was estimated that
a 1 exaFLOPS computer built in CMOS logic is estimated to consume some
500 megawatts of electrical power.[2] Superconducting logic can be an
attractive option for ultrafast CPUs, where switching times are
measured in picoseconds and operating frequencies approach 770
GHz.[3][4] However, since transferring information between the
processor and the outside world does still dissipate energy,
superconducting computing was seen as well-suited for
computations-intensive tasks where the data largely stays in the
cryogenic environment, rather than big data applications where large
amounts of information are streamed from outside the processor.[1]

As superconducting logic supports standard digital machine
architectures and algorithms, the existing knowledge base for CMOS
computing will still be useful in constructing superconducting
computers. However, given the reduced heat dissipation, it may enable
innovations such as three-dimensional stacking of components. However,
as they require inductors, it is harder to reduce their size. As of
2014, devices using niobium as the superconducting material operating
at 4 K were considered state-of-the-art. Important challenges for the
field were reliable cryogenic memory, as well as moving from research
on individual components to large-scale integration.[1]

Josephson junction count is a measure of superconducting circuit or
device complexity, similar to the transistor count used for
semiconductor integrated circuits.

Superconducting computing research has been pursued by the U. S.
National Security Agency since the mid-1950s. However, progress could
not keep up with the increasing performance of standard CMOS
technology. As of 2016 there are no commercial superconducting
computers, although research and development continues.[5]

Research in the mid-1950s to early 1960s focused on the cryotron
invented by Dudley Allen Buck, but the liquid-helium temperatures and
the slow switching time between superconducting and resistive states
caused this research to be abandoned. In 1962 Brian Josephson
established the theory behind the Josephson effect, and within a few
years IBM had fabricated the first Josephson junction. IBM invested
heavily in this technology from the mid-1960s to 1983.[6] By the
mid-1970s IBM had constructed a superconducting quantum interference
device using these junctions, mainly working with lead-based junctions
and later switching to lead/niobium junctions. In 1980 the Josephson
computer revolution was announced by IBM through the cover page of the
May issue of Scientific American. One of the reasons which justified
such a large-scale investment lies in that Moore's law - enunciated in
1965 - was expected to slow down and reach a plateau 'soon'. However,
on the one hand Moore's law kept its validity, while the costs of
improving superconducting devices were basically borne entirely by IBM
alone and the latter, however big, could not compete with the whole
world of semiconductors which provided nearly limitless resources.[7]
Thus, the program was shut down in 1983 because the technology was not
considered competitive with standard semiconductor technology. The
Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry funded a
superconducting research effort from 1981 to 1989 that produced the
ETL-JC1, which was a 4-bit machine with 1,000 bits of RAM.[5]

In 1983, Bell Labs created niobium/aluminum oxide Josephson junctions
that were more reliable and easier to fabricate. In 1985, the Rapid
single flux quantum logic scheme, which had improved speed and energy
efficiency, was developed by researchers at Moscow State University.
These advances led to the United States' Hybrid Technology
Multi-Threaded project, started in 1997, which sought to beat
conventional semiconductors to the petaflop computing scale. The
project was abandoned in 2000, however, and the first conventional
petaflop computer was constructed in 2008. After 2000, attention
turned to superconducting quantum computing. The 2011 introduction of
reciprocal quantum logic by Quentin Herr of Northrop Grumman, as well
as energy-efficient rapid single flux quantum by Hypres, were seen as
major advances.[5]

The push for exascale computing beginning in the mid-2010s, as
codified in the National Strategic Computing Initiative, was seen as
an opening for superconducting computing research as exascale
computers based on CMOS technology would be expected to require
impractical amounts of electrical power. The Intelligence Advanced
Research Projects Activity, formed in 2006, currently coordinates the
U. S. Intelligence Community's research and development efforts in
superconducting computing.[5]
Conventional computing techniques

Despite the names of many of these techniques containing the word
"quantum", they are not necessarily platforms for quantum
computing.[citation needed]
Rapid single flux quantum (RSFQ)
Main article: Rapid single flux quantum

Rapid single flux quantum (RSFQ) superconducting logic was developed
in the Soviet Union in the 1980s.[8] Information is carried by the
presence or absence of a single flux quantum (SFQ). The Josephson
junctions are critically damped, typically by addition of an
appropriately sized shunt resistor, to make them switch without a
hysteresis. Clocking signals are provided to logic gates by separately
distributed SFQ voltage pulses.

Power is provided by bias currents distributed using resistors that
can consume more than 10 times as much static power than the dynamic
power used for computation. The simplicity of using resistors to
distribute currents can be an advantage in small circuits and RSFQ
continues to be used for many applications where energy efficiency is
not of critical importance.

RSFQ has been used to build specialized circuits for high-throughput
and numerically intensive applications, such as communications
receivers and digital signal processing.

Josephson junctions in RSFQ circuits are biased in parallel.
Therefore, the total bias current grows linearly with the Josephson
junction count. This currently presents the major limitation on the
integration scale of RSFQ circuits, which does not exceed a few tens
of thousands of Josephson junctions per circuit.

Reducing the resistor (R) used to distribute currents in traditional
RSFQ circuits and adding an inductor (L) in series can reduce the
static power dissipation and improve energy efficiency.[9][10]
Low Voltage RSFQ (LV-RSFQ)

Reducing the bias voltage in traditional RSFQ circuits can reduce the
static power dissipation and improve energy efficiency.[11][12]
Energy-Efficient Single Flux Quantum Technology (ERSFQ/eSFQ)

Efficient rapid single flux quantum (ERSFQ) logic was developed to
eliminate the static power losses of RSFQ by replacing bias resistors
with sets of inductors and current-limiting Josephson

Efficient single flux quantum (eSFQ) logic is also powered by direct
current, but differs from ERSFQ in the size of the bias current
limiting inductor and how the limiting Josephson junctions are
Reciprocal Quantum Logic (RQL)

Reciprocal Quantum Logic (RQL) was developed to fix some of the
problems of RSFQ logic. RQL uses reciprocal pairs of SFQ pulses to
encode a logical '1'. Both power and clock are provided by multi-phase
alternating current signals. RQL gates do not use resistors to
distribute power and thus dissipate negligible static power.[16]

Major RQL gates include: AndOr, AnotB, Set/Reset (with nondestructive
readout), which together form a universal logic set and provide memory
Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron (AQFP)
Main article: Quantum flux parametron

Adiabatic Quantum flux parametron (AQFP) logic was developed for
energy-efficient operation and is powered by alternating

On January 13, 2021, it was announced that a 2.5 GHz prototype
AQFP-based processor called MANA (Monolithic Adiabatic iNtegration
Architecture) had achieved an energy efficiency that was 80 times that
of traditional semiconductor processors, even accounting for the
Quantum computing techniques
Main article: Superconducting quantum computing

Superconducting quantum computing is a promising implementation of
quantum information technology that involves nanofabricated
superconducting electrodes coupled through Josephson junctions. As in
a superconducting electrode, the phase and the charge are conjugate
variables. There exist three families of superconducting qubits,
depending on whether the charge, the phase, or neither of the two are
good quantum numbers. These are respectively termed charge qubits,
flux qubits, and hybrid qubits.
See also

    Beyond CMOS
    Logic gate
    Unconventional computing


    Joneckis, Lance; Koester, David; Alspector, Joshua (2014-01-01).
"An Initial Look at Alternative Computing Technologies for the
Intelligence Community" (PDF). Institute for Defense Analyses. pp.
15–16, 24–25, 47–50. Archived from the original on June 4, 2016.
Retrieved 2016-04-22.
    Kogge P (2011). "The tops in flops", IEEE Spectrum, vol. 48, pp.
48–54, 2011.
    Courtland R (2011). "Superconductor Logic Goes Low-Power", IEEE
spectrum, 22 June 2011
    Holmes DS, Ripple AL, Manheimer MA (2013). "Energy-efficient
superconducting computing—power budgets and requirements", IEEE Trans.
Appl. Supercond., vol. 23, 1701610, June 2013.
    Brock, David C. (2016-04-24). "Will the NSA Finally Build Its
Superconducting Spy Computer?". IEEE Spectrum. Retrieved 2016-04-21.
    Gallagher, William J.; Harris, Erik P.; Ketchen, Mark B. (July
2012). "Superconductivity at IBM – a Centennial Review: Part I –
Superconducting Computer and Device Applications, IEEE/CSC & ESAS
IEEE Council on superconductivity. Archived from the original (PDF) on
24 December 2022. Retrieved 10 June 2023.
    N. De Liso, G. Filatrella, D. Gagliardi, C. Napoli (2020). "Cold
numbers: Superconducting supercomputers and presumptive anomaly",
Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 29, no. 2, pp.485-505, 2020.
    Likharev KK, Semenov VK (1991). "RSFQ logic/memory family: a new
Josephson-junction technology for sub-terahertz-clock-frequency
digital systems", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol.
1, No. 1, March 1991, pp. 3-28.
    Yamanashi Y, Nishigai T, and Yoshikawa N (2007). "Study of
LR-loading technique for low-power single flux quantum circuits", IEEE
Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol.17, pp.150–153, June 2007.
    Ortlepp T, Wetzstein O, Engert S, Kunert J, Toepfer H (2011).
"Reduced Power Consumption in Superconducting Electronics", IEEE
Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol.21, no.3, pp.770-775,
June 2011.
    Tanaka M, Ito M, Kitayama A, Kouketsu T, Fujimaki A (2012).
"18-GHz, 4.0-aJ/bit Operation of Ultra-Low-Energy Rapid
Single-Flux-Quantum Shift Registers", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51 053102,
May 2012.
    Tanaka M, Kitayama A, Koketsu T, Ito M, Fujimaki A (2013).
"Low-Energy Consumption RSFQ Circuits Driven by Low Voltages", IEEE
Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1701104, June 2013.
    Mukhanov OA (2011). "Energy-Efficient Single Flux Quantum
Technology", IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol.21,
no.3, pp.760-769, June 2011.
    DE Kirichenko, S Sarwana, AF Kirichenko (2011). "Zero Static Power
Dissipation Biasing of RSFQ Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Applied
Superconductivity, vol.21, no.3, pp.776-779, June 2011.
    Volkmann MH, Sahu A, Fourie CJ, and Mukhanov OA (2013).
"Implementation of energy efficient single flux quantum (eSFQ) digital
circuits with sub-aJ/bit operation", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26
(2013) 015002.
    Herr QP, Herr AY, Oberg OT, and Ioannidis AG (2011).
"Ultra-low-power superconductor logic", J. Appl. Phys. vol. 109, pp.
103903-103910, 2011.
    Oberg OT (2011). Superconducting Logic Circuits Operating With
Reciprocal Magnetic Flux Quanta, University of Maryland, Department of
Physics, PhD dissertation.
    Takeuchi N, Ozawa D, Yamanashi Y and Yoshikawa N (2013). "An
adiabatic quantum flux parametron as an ultra-low-power logic device",
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 035010.
    Takeuchi N, Yamanashi Y and Yoshikawa N (2015). "Energy efficiency
of adiabatic superconductor logic", Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28
015003, Jan. 2015.
    "Superconducting Microprocessors? Turns Out They're
Ultra-Efficient". 2021-01-13. Retrieved 2021-05-25. "The 2.5 GHz
prototype uses 80 times less energy than its semiconductor
counterpart, even accounting for cooling … While adiabatic
semiconductor microprocessors exist, the new microprocessor prototype,
called MANA (Monolithic Adiabatic iNtegration Architecture), is the
world's first adiabatic superconductor microprocessor. It's composed
of superconducting niobium and relies on hardware components called
adiabatic quantum-flux-parametrons (AQFPs). Each AQFP is composed of a
few fast-acting Josephson junction switches, which require very little
energy to support superconductor electronics. The MANA microprocessor
consists of more than 20,000 Josephson junctions (or more than 10,000
AQFPs) in total."

External links

    Superconducting Technology Assessment, NSA, 2005 - Promoted RSFQ
R&D projects.
    ExaScale Computing Study: Technology Challenges in Achieving...
Report 2008, "6.2.4 Superconducting Logic"


    Logic families
    Integrated circuits
    Quantum electronics
    Digital electronics
    Josephson effect

    This page was last edited on 10 June 2023, at 11:33 (UTC).

Room-temperature superconductor

A magnet is suspended over a liquid nitrogen cooled high-temperature
superconductor (-200°C)This superconductor is cooled to below -200°C
and is exhibiting the meissner effect.

A room-temperature superconductor is a material that is capable of
exhibiting superconductivity at operating temperatures above 0 °C (273
K; 32 °F), that is, temperatures that can be reached and easily
maintained in an everyday environment.

As of 2020, the material with the highest claimed superconducting
temperature is an extremely pressurized carbonaceous sulfur hydride
with a critical transition temperature of +15 °C at 267 GPa.[1] On 22
September 2022, the original article reporting superconductivity in
the carbonaceous sulfur hydride material was retracted by Nature
journal editorial board due to a non standard, user-defined data
analysis, calling into question the scientific validity of the

At atmospheric pressure the temperature record is still held by
cuprates, which have demonstrated superconductivity at temperatures as
high as 138 K (−135 °C).[4]

Although researchers once doubted whether room-temperature
superconductivity was actually achievable,[5][6] superconductivity has
repeatedly been discovered at temperatures that were previously
unexpected or held to be impossible.

Claims of "near-room temperature" transient effects date from the
early 1950s. Finding a room-temperature superconductor "would have
enormous technological importance and, for example, help to solve the
world's energy problems, provide for faster computers, allow for novel
memory-storage devices, and enable ultra-sensitive sensors, among many
other possibilities."[6][7]
Unsolved problem in physics:

Is it possible to make a material that is a superconductor at room
temperature and atmospheric pressure?
(more unsolved problems in physics)

Since the discovery of high-temperature superconductors ("high" being
temperatures above 77 K (−196.2 °C; −321.1 °F), the boiling point of
liquid nitrogen), several materials have been reported to be
room-temperature superconductors, although most of these reports have
not been confirmed.[8]

In 2000, while extracting electrons from diamond during ion
implantation work, Johan Prins claimed to have observed a phenomenon
that he explained as room-temperature superconductivity within a phase
formed on the surface of oxygen-doped type IIa diamonds in a 10−6 mbar

In 2003, a group of researchers published results on high-temperature
superconductivity in palladium hydride (PdHx: x>1)[10] and an
explanation in 2004.[11] In 2007, the same group published results
suggesting a superconducting transition temperature of 260 K.[12] The
superconducting critical temperature increases as the density of
hydrogen inside the palladium lattice increases. This work has not
been corroborated by other groups.

In 2012, an Advanced Materials article claimed superconducting
behavior of graphite powder after treatment with pure water at
temperatures as high as 300 K and above.[13][unreliable source?] So
far, the authors have not been able to demonstrate the occurrence of a
clear Meissner phase and the vanishing of the material's resistance.

In 2014, an article published in Nature suggested that some materials,
notably YBCO (yttrium barium copper oxide), could be made to
superconduct at room temperature using infrared laser pulses.[14]

In 2015, an article published in Nature by researchers of the Max
Planck Institute suggested that under certain conditions such as
extreme pressure H
2S transitioned to a superconductive form H
3S at 150 GPa (around 1.5 million times atmospheric pressure) in a
diamond anvil cell.[15] The critical temperature is 203 K (−70 °C)
which would be the highest Tc ever recorded and their research
suggests that other hydrogen compounds could superconduct at up to 260
K (−13 °C) which would match up with the original research of

In 2018, Dev Kumar Thapa and Anshu Pandey from the Solid State and
Structural Chemistry Unit of the Indian Institute of Science in
Bangalore claimed the observation of superconductivity at ambient
pressure and room temperature in films and pellets of a nanostructured
material that is composed of silver particles embedded in a gold
matrix.[18] Due to similar noise patterns of supposedly independent
plots and the publication's lack of peer review, the results have been
called into question.[19] Although the researchers validated their
findings in a later paper in 2019,[20] this claim is yet to be
verified and confirmed.[citation needed]

Also in 2018, researchers noted a possible superconducting phase at
260 K (−13 °C) in lanthanum decahydride (LaH
10) at elevated (200 GPa) pressure.[21] In 2019, the material with the
highest accepted superconducting temperature was highly pressurized
lanthanum decahydride, whose transition temperature is approximately
250 K (−23 °C).[22][23]

In October 2020, room-temperature superconductivity at 288 K (at 15
°C) was reported in a carbonaceous sulfur hydride at very high
pressure (267 GPa) triggered into crystallisation via green
laser.[24][25] The paper has been retracted in 2022 as doubts were
raised concerning the statistical methods used by the authors to
derive the result.[26]

In March 2021, an announcement reported room-temperature
superconductivity in a layered yttrium-palladium-hydron material at
262 K and a pressure of 187 GPa. Palladium may act as a hydrogen
migration catalyst in the material.[27]

In March 2023, superconductivity at a temperature of 294 K, and a
pressure of 1 GPa, was reported in a nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride
material.[28] The claim has been met with some skepticism as it was
made by the same researchers (see Ranga P. Dias) that made similar
claims retracted by Nature in 2022[29][30][31][32][33] and claimed
observation of solid metallic hydrogen in 2016 as well as other
allegations.[34] Dense group IVa hydrides (as the new material) have
been previously suggested could be superconductors at lower pressures
than metallic hydrogen.[35][36] First attempts to replicate the
results of superconductivity in nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride have
failed although the authors of the attempt recognize improvements
could be made.[37][38] Later attempts made by a different team using
the original samples instead of newly prepared ones seem to confirm
the reality of superconductivity in the Lu-N-H system.[39][40]

On July 23, 2023, a Korean team from the Quantum Energy Research
Center at Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) posted a
paper to the arXiv preprint server entitled "The First
Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductor", describing a novel
RTSC they called LK-99.[41] The paper was accompanied by a sister
paper on arXiv,[42] a paper in a Korean journal[43] and a patent
application.[44] Multiple experts have expressed skepticism, with
Oxford Materials Science Professor Susannah Speller stating that “it
is too early to say that we have been presented with compelling
evidence for superconductivity in these samples,” due to the lack of
clear signatures of superconductivity, like magnetic field response
and heat capacity. Other experts have expressed concerns that the data
may be explained by "errors in the experimental procedure combined
with imperfections in the LK-99 sample," and one scientist questioned
the theoretical model used by the researchers.[45]

Theoretical work by British physicist Neil Ashcroft predicted that
solid metallic hydrogen at extremely high pressure (~500 GPa) should
become superconducting at approximately room temperature because of
its extremely high speed of sound and expected strong coupling between
the conduction electrons and the lattice vibrations (phonons).[46]
This prediction is yet to be experimentally verified, as the pressure
to achieve metallic hydrogen is not known but may be on the order of
500 GPa.

A team at Harvard University has claimed to make metallic hydrogen and
reports a pressure of 495 GPa.[47] Though the exact critical
temperature has not yet been determined, weak signs of a possible
Meissner effect and changes in magnetic susceptibility at 250 K may
have appeared in early magnetometer tests on the original now-lost
sample and is being analyzed by the French team working with doughnut
shapes rather than planar at the diamond culet tips.[48]

In 1964, William A. Little proposed the possibility of
high-temperature superconductivity in organic polymers.[49] This
proposal is based on the exciton-mediated electron pairing, as opposed
to phonon-mediated pairing in BCS theory.

In 2004, Ashcroft returned to his idea and suggested that
hydrogen-rich compounds can become metallic and superconducting at
lower pressures than hydrogen. More specifically, he proposed a novel
way to pre-compress hydrogen chemically by examining IVa hydrides.[35]

In 2016, research suggested a link between the palladium hydride
containing small impurities of sulfur nanoparticles as a plausible
explanation for the anomalous transient resistance drops seen during
some experiments, and hydrogen absorption by cuprates was suggested in
light of the 2015 results in H
2S as a plausible explanation for transient resistance drops or "USO"
noticed in the 1990s by Chu et al. during research after the discovery
of YBCO.[citation needed][50] It is also possible that if the
bipolaron explanation is correct, a normally semiconducting material
can transition under some conditions into a superconductor if a
critical level of alternating spin coupling in a single plane within
the lattice is exceeded; this may have been documented in very early
experiments from 1986. The best analogy here would be anisotropic
magnetoresistance, but in this case the outcome is a drop to zero
rather than a decrease within a very narrow temperature range for the
compounds tested similar to "re-entrant superconductivity".[citation

In 2018, support was found for electrons having anomalous 3/2 spin
states in YPtBi.[51] Though YPtBi is a relatively low temperature
superconductor, this does suggest another approach to creating

It was also discovered that many superconductors, including the
cuprates and iron pnictides, have two or more competing mechanisms
fighting for dominance (Charge density wave)[citation needed] and
excitonic states so, as with organic light emitting diodes and other
quantum systems, adding the right spin catalyst may by itself increase
Tc. A possible candidate would be iridium or gold placed in some of
the adjacent molecules or as a thin surface layer so the correct
mechanism then propagates throughout the entire lattice similar to a
phase transition. As yet, this is speculative; some efforts have been
made, notably adding lead to BSCCO, which is well known to help
promote high Tc phases by chemistry alone. However, relativistic
effects similar to those found in lead-acid batteries might be
responsible suggesting that a similar mechanism in mercury- or
thallium-based cuprates may be possible using a related metal such as

Any such catalyst would need to be nonreactive chemically but have
properties that affect one mechanism but not the others, and also not
interfere with subsequent annealing and oxygenation steps nor change
the lattice resonances excessively. A possible workaround for the
issues discussed would be to use strong electrostatic fields to hold
the molecules in place during one of the steps until the lattice is
formed.[original research?]

Some research efforts are currently moving towards ternary
superhydrides, where it has been predicted that Li
16 (bilithium magnesium hexadecahydride) would have a Tc of 473 K (200
°C) at 250 GPa[52][53] (much hotter than what is normally considered
room temperature).

On the side of binary superhydrides, it has been predicted that ScH
12 (scandium dodedecahydride) would exhibit superconductivity at room
temperature – Tc between 333 K (60 °C) and 398 K (125 °C) – under a
pressure expected not to exceed 100 GPa.[54]

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    Hypothetical technology
    High pressure science

    This page was last edited on 29 July 2023, at 00:25 (UTC).

Bob Lazar

Robert Lazar
Robert Scott Lazar

January 26, 1959 (age 64)
Coral Gables, Florida, U.S.
Occupation(s)    Owner of United Nuclear Scientific Equipment and Supplies
Criminal charges    Pandering, trade of illegal goods
Spouse    Joy White

Robert Scott Lazar (/ləˈzɑːr/; born January 26, 1959) is an American
businessman and conspiracy theorist who claims he was hired in the
late 1980s to reverse-engineer extraterrestrial technology. This work
supposedly occurred at a secret site called "S-4", a subsidiary
installation allegedly located several kilometers south of the United
States Air Force facility popularly known as Area 51.

Lazar purports to have examined an alien craft and read US government
briefing documents that described alien involvement in human affairs
over the past 10,000 years. His claims brought additional public
attention to Area 51 and fueled conspiracy theories surrounding its
classified activities. His assertions have been analyzed and rejected
by skeptics and some ufologists, although he retains a following of

Lazar has no evidence of alien life or technology, and elements of his
claimed education and employment history have been exaggerated or
fabricated. Perceptions of Lazar have also been affected by criminal
activity: he was convicted in 1990 for his involvement in a
prostitution ring, and again in 2006 for selling illegal chemicals.
Journalist Ken Layne states, "A lot of credible people have looked at
Lazar's story and rationally concluded that he made it up."[1][2]
Groom Lake (left) and Papoose Lake (right)
An Area 51 gate

Lazar graduated from high school late, in the bottom third of his
class. The only science course he took was a chemistry class. He
subsequently attended Pierce Junior College in Los Angeles.[3]

In 1982, Lazar worked as a technician for a contractor company that
provided support staff to the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility,
within the Los Alamos National Laboratory.[3][4][5] He filed for
bankruptcy in 1986, where he described himself as a self-employed film
processor.[3][6] Lazar owns and operates United Nuclear Scientific
Equipment and Supplies, which sells a variety of materials and

Lazar claims to have obtained master's degrees in physics from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and in electronics from
the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). However, both
universities show no record of him.[3][8] Scientists Stanton T.
Friedman and Donald R. Prothero have stated that nobody with Lazar's
high school performance record would be accepted by either
institution.[3][4] Lazar is unable to supply the names of any
lecturers or fellow students from his alleged tenures at MIT and
Caltech; one supposed Caltech professor, William Duxler, was in fact
located at Pierce Junior College and had never taught at
Caltech.[3][9] Friedman asserted, "Quite obviously, if one can go to
MIT, one doesn't go to Pierce. Lazar was at Pierce at the very same
time he was supposedly at MIT more than 2,500 miles away."[3]

Lazar claims to be a physicist, and to have worked in this capacity
during his tenure at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility.[3][10]
This assertion was echoed by a local journalist who interviewed Lazar
about his interest in jet-powered cars in 1982;[a] some media outlets
have since dubbed him a "physicist".[b] Inquiry into Lazar's position
at the facility, however, revealed his role to have been a technician
for a contractor firm, and that he worked neither as a physicist or
for Los Alamos.[3][4][5] As such, the laboratory has no records on
Lazar, whom Prothero states was "in short, rather a minor player."[4]
The Smithsonian, and various mainstream news outlets, have stated that
his "physicist" designation is self-proclaimed.[c]

Since 1989, Lazar has achieved public notoriety as an Area 51
conspiracy theorist.[d] In May of that year, he appeared in an
interview with investigative reporter George Knapp on Las Vegas TV
station KLAS, under the pseudonym "Dennis" and with his face hidden,
to discuss his purported employment at "S-4", a subsidiary facility he
claimed exists near the Nellis Air Force Base installation known as
Area 51. He claims that the said facility was adjacent to Papoose
Lake, which is located south of the main Area 51 facility at Groom
Lake. He claimed the site consisted of concealed aircraft hangars
built into a mountainside. Lazar said that his job was to help with
the reverse engineering of one of nine flying saucers, which he
alleged were extraterrestrial in origin. He claims one of the flying
saucers, the one he coined the "Sport Model", was manufactured out of
a metallic substance similar in appearance and touch to liquid
titanium. In a subsequent interview that November, Lazar appeared
unmasked and under his own name, where he claimed that his job
interview for work at the facility was with contractor EG&G and that
his employer was the United States Navy. EG&G stated it had no records
on him.[34][e] His supposed employment at a Nellis Air Force Base
subsidiary has also been discredited by skeptics, as well as by the
United States Air Force.[4][35]

Lazar has claimed that the propulsion of the studied vehicle ran on an
antimatter reactor[36] and was fueled by the chemical element with
atomic number 115 (E115), which at the time was provisionally named
ununpentium and had not yet been artificially created.[4][37] (It was
first synthesized in 2003 and later named moscovium.)[38] He said that
the propulsion system relied on a stable isotope of E115, which
allegedly generates a gravity wave that allowed the vehicle to fly and
to evade visual detection by bending light around it.[39]

No stable isotopes of moscovium have yet been synthesized. All have
proven extremely radioactive, decaying in a few hundred
milliseconds.[40] Lazar said the craft was dismantled, and the reactor
he studied was topped by a sphere or semi-sphere which emitted a force
field capable of repulsing human flesh.[41] He explained that the
craft was split into two main levels.[f]

The reactor was positioned at the center of the upper level, with an
antenna extending to the top,[g] surrounded by three "gravity
amplifiers". These connected to "gravity emitters" on the lower level,
which can rotate 180 degrees to output a "gravity beam or anti-gravity
wave" and that the craft would then travel "belly first" into this
distortion field.[42]

Lazar has claimed that during his joining the program, he read
briefing documents describing the historical involvement of Earth for
the past 10,000 years with extraterrestrial beings described as grey
aliens from a planet orbiting the twin binary star system Zeta
Reticuli. As of September 2019, no extrasolar planets have been found
in the Zeta Reticuli system.[43][44] In 1989, Lazar said the seats of
the saucer he saw were approximately child-sized and that he had seen
alien cadavers of a corresponding size.[45][46]

He said that while walking down a hallway at S-4, he briefly glanced
through a door window and saw what he interpreted as two men in lab
coats facing down and talking to "something small with long arms".[47]
Three decades later, he said he did not think he saw an alien, but
speculated that he saw a doll used as reference for the size of the
alleged aliens, and that a nickname used for them was "the kids".[47]

Lazar alleges that his employment and education records have been
erased; however, skeptics Donald R. Prothero, Stanton T. Friedman and
Timothy D. Callahan find this to be implausible.[4] His story has
drawn significant media attention, controversy, supporters, and
detractors. Lazar has no evidence of alien life or

In 2017, Lazar's workplace was raided by the FBI and local police
which Lazar theorizes was to recover "element 115", a substance he
says he took from a government lab. Records obtained through a freedom
of information request show the raid was part of a murder
investigation to determine whether his company sold thallium to a
murder suspect in Michigan. Lazar is not listed as a suspect in the
Public appearances and media

Lazar and long-time friend Gene Huff ran the Desert Blast
festival,[51] an annual festival in the Nevada desert for pyrotechnics
enthusiasts.[51][52] The festival started in 1987, but was only
formally named in 1991. The name was inspired by Operation Desert
Storm.[52] The festival features homemade explosives, rockets,
jet-powered vehicles, and other pyrotechnics,[51][52] with the aim of
emphasizing the fun aspect of chemistry and physics.[52]

Lazar was featured in producer George Knapp and Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer
Corbell's documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers[53] and Joe
Rogan's podcast.[50][54][55] Lazar had met and discussed his alleged
works on UFOs with Navy pilot and commander David Fravor, who
witnessed the USS Nimitz UFO incident in 2004.[56]
Criminal convictions

In 1990, Lazar was arrested for aiding and abetting a prostitution
ring. This was reduced to felony pandering, to which he pleaded
guilty.[57][58][59] He was ordered to do 150 hours of community
service, stay away from brothels, and undergo psychotherapy.[58][59]

In 2006, Lazar and his wife Joy White were charged with violating the
Federal Hazardous Substances Act for shipping restricted chemicals
across state lines. The charges stemmed from a 2003 raid on United
Nuclear's business offices, where chemical sales records were
examined.[7] United Nuclear pleaded guilty to three criminal counts of
introducing into interstate commerce, and aiding and abetting the
introduction into interstate commerce, banned hazardous substances. In
2007, United Nuclear was fined $7,500 for violating a law prohibiting
the sale of chemicals and components used to make illegal

Journalist Stephen Rodrick and author Neil Nixon write that further
doubts have been cast on Lazar's credibility due to his criminal
activity.[55][62] Author Timothy Good and filmmaker Jeremy Kenyon
Lockyer Corbell, who have perpetuated Lazar's story, concur with this

    This was a story by Los Alamos Monitor journalist Terry England,
which circulated regionally via the Associated Press.[11][12][13]
    See: [14][15][16][17]
    The Smithsonian, and various mainstream news outlets, have noted
Lazar's "physicist" designation as either
"self-proclaimed"[18][19][20][21] or "self-described".[22][23][24]
    Sources describing Lazar as a "conspiracy theorist":
    Publications on conspiracy theories that detail Lazar's claims: [31][32][33]
    According to spotlight by KLAS-TV:
        The schools in which Lazar claims to have studied "say they've
never heard of him" (6:05)
        Lazar alleges he worked at Los Alamos, "where he experimented
with the world's largest particle beam accelerators" (6:13)
            George Knapp: Los Alamos officials say they had no records
of him ever working there (6:25)
            George Knapp: "they were either mistaken or were lying: a
1982 phonebook from the lab lists Lazar right there among the other
scientists and technicians" (news section shows the cover of a Los
Alamos national laboratory phone directory, and then a list of names
which includes "Lazar Robert") (6:30)
            Los Alamos Monitor article of 1982 is shown, the date
reading Sunday, June 2X (low resolution), 1982, with the title "LA man
joins the jet set – at 200 miles an hour" with a picture of a man with
a car, with Knapp saying that it "profiles Lazar and his interest in
jet-cars". It zooms in on the clipping to an excerpt which states:
"It's not the car so much that's important. To Lazar, a physicist at
the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility, the important thing is the jet
engine. It's something he's been working on for years. It started
"awhile ago" when working with another researcher in NASA on the
technology." (6:39)
            George Knapp: "we called Los Alamos again. An exasperated
official told us he still had no records on Lazar. EG&G, which is
where Lazar says he was interviewed for the job at S4, also has no
records." (6:48)
        The news section cuts to Lazar who claims he called the
schools he attended, the hospital he was born in, and his past job to
get records, but to no avail. (7:00)
        Lazar alleges his employer at S4 was the US Navy. (7:21)[10]
    In addition to a small, topmost level, which he speculated may
have housed a kind of navigational computer.
    This, he said, functions as a guide for the gravity wave, which
forms into a heart shape around the entire craft, narrowing at the


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    Grossman, David (September 11, 2019). "The Area 51 Raid Is
Mercifully Canceled". Popular Mechanics. Retrieved May 11, 2022.
    Webb, Charles (August 29, 2012). "Dissecting the Autopsy and
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    Ronald H. Fritze (April 18, 2022). Hope and Fear: Modern Myths,
Conspiracy Theories, and Pseudo-History. Reaktion Books. ISBN
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    Lee Mellor (February 4, 2021). Conspiracies Uncovered: Cover-ups,
Hoaxes and Secret Societies. Dorling Kindersley. pp. 90– (insert).
ISBN 978-0-2415-1899-1. "Conspiracy theorist Bob Lazar..."
    James McConnachie; Robin Tudge (February 1, 2013). Rough Guide to
Conspiracy Theories, The (3rd). Rough Guides Limited. pp. 296–. ISBN
    Christopher Hodapp; Alice Von Kannon (February 4, 2011).
Conspiracy Theories and Secret Societies For Dummies. John Wiley &
Sons. pp. 126–. ISBN 978-1-118-05202-0.
    Barna William Donovan (January 10, 2014). Conspiracy Films: A Tour
of Dark Places in the American Conscious. McFarland. pp. 150–. ISBN
    George Knapp (November 1, 2014). "Out there". KNPR.
    Radford, Benjamin (September 27, 2012). "Area 51: Secrets, Yes;
Aliens, No". Live Science. Retrieved September 19, 2019.
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    Patton, Phil (January 8, 1995). "Thing; It Is Copied. Therefore,
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26, 2019.
    Sharp, Tim (December 2, 2016). "Facts About Moscovium (Element
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    Laureijs RJ, Jourdain de Muizon M, Leech K, Siebenmorgen R,
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    Zimmerman, Amy (December 4, 2018). "Why Did the FBI Raid the Home
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    David Hambling (2016). Weapons Grade. Constable & Robinson. pp.
178–180. ISBN 9781472123763.
    "Area 51 Exhibit To Feature Russian Roswell UFO Artifact At
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    McMillan, Tim (November 13, 2019). "Bob Lazar Says the FBI Raided
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    "Ka-Booom!!". Wired. December 1, 1994.
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Inquiry. Retrieved May 23, 2022.


    Lazar, Bob; Corbell, Jeremy (2018). Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying
Saucers. The Orchard.

External links

    Official website




Claimed sightings   

    List of reported UFO sightings
    Sightings in outer space

Pre-20th century   

    Tulli Papyrus (possibly 15th century B.C.)
    Ezekiel's Wheel (circa 622–570 B.C.)
    Air ship of Clonmacnoise (740s)
    1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg
    1566 celestial phenomenon over Basel
    José Bonilla observation (1883)
    Airship wave (1896-7)
    Aurora (1897)

20th century   

    Los Angeles (1942)
    Kenneth Arnold (1947)
    1947 craze
    Flight 105 (1947)
    Roswell (1947)
    Rhodes (1947)
    Mantell (1948)
    Chiles-Whitted (1948)
    Gorman Dogfight (1948)
    Mariana (1950)
    McMinnville photographs (1950)
    Sperry (1950)
    Lubbock Lights (1951)
    Nash-Fortenberry (1952)
    Washington, D.C. (1952)
    Flatwoods monster (1952)
    Kelly–Hopkinsville (1955)
    Lakenheath-Bentwaters (1956)
    Antônio Villas Boas (1957)
    Levelland (1957)
    Barney and Betty Hill abduction (1961)
    Lonnie Zamora incident (1964)
    Solway Firth Spaceman (1964)
    Exeter (1965)
    Kecksburg (1965)
    Westall (1966)
    Falcon Lake (1967)
    Shag Harbour (1967)
    Jimmy Carter (1969)
    Finnish Air Force (1969)
    Pascagoula Abduction (1973)
    John Lennon UFO incident (1974)
    Travis Walton incident (1975)
    Tehran (1976)
    Petrozavodsk phenomenon (1977)
    Operação Prato (1977)
    Zanfretta incident (1978)
    Valentich disappearance (1978)
    Kaikoura Lights (1978)
    Robert Taylor incident (1979)
    Val Johnson incident (1979)
    Cash–Landrum incident (1980)
    Rendlesham Forest (1980)
    Trans-en-Provence (1981)
    Japan Air Lines (1986)
    Ilkley Moor (1987)
    Voronezh incident (1989)
    Belgian UFO wave (1990)
    Ariel School (1994)
    Varginha (1996)
    Phoenix Lights (1997)

21st century   

    USS Nimitz UFO incident (2004)
    Campeche, Mexico (2004)
    O'Hare Airport (2006)
    Alderney (2007)
    Norway (2009)
    USS Theodore Roosevelt UFO incidents (2014)
    Jetpack man (2020–21)
    High-altitude object events (2023)
    David Grusch claims (2023)

Confirmed hoaxes   

    Maury Island hoax (1947)
    Twin Falls, Idaho hoax (1947)
    Aztec, New Mexico hoax (1949)
    Southern England (1967)
    Majestic 12 (1985)
    Gulf Breeze (1987–88)
    Alien autopsy (1995)
    Morristown (2009)

Sightings by country   

    Africa (South Africa)
    Czech Republic
    New Zealand
    Spain (Canary Islands)
    United Kingdom
    United States

Types of UFOs   

    Black triangle
    Flying saucer
    Foo fighter
    Ghost rockets
    Green fireballs
    Mystery airship
    Space jellyfish

Types of alleged
extraterrestrial beings   

    Energy beings
    Grey aliens
    Little green men
    Nordic aliens
    Reptilian humanoids


    The Flying Saucers Are Real (1947–1950)
    Project Sign (1948)
    Project Grudge (1949)
    Flying Saucer Working Party (1950)
    Project Magnet (1950–1962)
    Project Blue Book (1952–1970)
    Robertson Panel (1953)
    Ruppelt report (1956)
    National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (1956-1980)
    Condon Report (1966–1968)
    Institute 22 (1978–?)
    Project Condign (1997–2000)
    Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (2007–2012)
    Identification studies of UFOs
    Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (current)


    Ancient astronauts
    Nazi UFOs

Conspiracy theories   

    Area 51
        Storm Area 51
    Bob Lazar
    Dulce Base
    Men in black
    Project Serpo

Abduction claims   



    Cattle mutilation
    Close encounter
    Crop circles
    Government responses




    List of scientific skeptics
    Committee for Skeptical Inquiry


Authority control Edit this at Wikidata



    United States


    1959 births
    Living people
    UFO conspiracy theorists
    People from Coral Gables, Florida
    Los Angeles Pierce College alumni
    American conspiracy theorists
    20th-century American businesspeople
    Businesspeople from Florida

    This page was last edited on 25 June 2023, at 07:47 (UTC).