How come Jim Bell seems so interested in " Black Box " more top-down and complicated forms of APster rather than bottom-up, simpler " SOFT-DRILL " versions? And why is this Dumbell so curiously incurious about trials where ' Assassination Politics ' was mentioned by Govt Persecutors? There has been two already - so much for ' AP ' as any sort of good-faith and meaningful activism! Bell knows about these trials and is complicit with the govt OR he doesn't know and is too stupid to be any kind of activist. Dumbell likes well-known Quacks such as Sigmund Fraud, Julian Assmange and Jeff Berwick. Is Jim Bell a Quack? He's a flocking gasbag. Maybe this anarcho-phony charlatan is an enemy of assassination markets - that would explain a lot. The enemies of this list often play obscurantist word games. Take Karl Semich. Please.