the first time i gave the prompt it said “load failed”. it usually gives a different answer the second time, below. articles give better answers but are harder to engage all of a sudden

Speak as an expert on dissociative disorders and the kinds of alters that can develop. Is there a name for the situation when an alter seems so upset the person seems unable to move or think?

Dissociative disorders encompass a range of conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity, or perception. These can be due to psychological trauma, among other causes. One well-known dissociative disorder is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder. In DID, a person may have two or more distinct identities or personality states, referred to as "alters," each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment.

Alters can vary widely in their characteristics, including age, gender, historical background, interests, and abilities. Some may carry traumatic memories and emotions, while others might not be aware of the trauma at all. There are several types of alters that are commonly discussed in the context of DID:

  1. Host: The alter who most often interacts with the world and may not be aware of the presence of other alters.
  2. Protector: An alter that steps in during times of stress or perceived threat to protect the system (the collective of all alters).
  3. Persecutor: An alter that might inflict harm on the body or psychological pain, often embodying internalized trauma.
  4. Child: An alter stuck in childhood, often holding memories or emotions from that time.
  5. Caregiver: An alter that takes on a nurturing, comforting role, often for other alters.
  6. Memory Holder: An alter that holds traumatic memories to keep them from the conscious awareness of other alters, particularly the host.

Regarding the situation you're describing, where an alter is so upset that the person seems unable to move or think, this could be related to a phenomenon often associated with DID and other dissociative disorders known as a "dissociative freeze." This freeze response is a type of dissociative reaction where an individual feels immobilized or detached from their surroundings, often as a protective psychological response to overwhelming stress or trauma. It's part of the fight, flight, freeze, and fawn responses to threat. In the context of DID, a particular alter might be in a state of extreme distress, leading to a dissociative freeze that affects the entire system.

This reaction can be seen as a defense mechanism, where dissociation serves to help the person cope with and momentarily escape from a situation or memory that is too painful to confront directly. The specific term for this state when it is tied to an alter's extreme distress might not be universally defined, as experiences of dissociation can vary greatly from person to person. However, understanding and addressing the underlying trauma and triggers through therapy can help manage such responses. Therapeutic approaches like trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), often in conjunction with supportive psychotherapy, can be beneficial in working with dissociative disorders and their manifestations.

What does a person with a lot of freezing do when not having therapy?

When a person experiences frequent dissociative freezing outside of therapy, there are several strategies they can use to help manage and potentially reduce the occurrence of these episodes. These self-help techniques are meant to increase grounding, reduce stress, and improve emotional regulation. However, it's important to remember that these strategies are not a substitute for professional treatment, especially for individuals with severe symptoms or those who have experienced significant trauma. Here are some approaches that might be helpful:

  1. Grounding Techniques: Grounding techniques can help bring a person back to the present moment and reduce feelings of dissociation or being "frozen." This can include sensory awareness exercises, such as focusing on the sensation of your feet on the ground, holding a piece of ice, or engaging with a strong scent.

  2. Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular practice of mindfulness and meditation can help improve overall emotional regulation and reduce stress. Mindfulness helps by focusing on the present moment in a non-judgmental way, which can be particularly useful during moments of dissociation.

  3. Breathing Exercises: Controlled breathing techniques, such as deep diaphragmatic breathing, can help calm the body's stress response and reduce the intensity of dissociative episodes.

  4. Physical Activity: Regular physical activity, such as walking, yoga, or any form of exercise that a person enjoys, can be beneficial for mental health, helping to reduce stress and improve mood.

  5. Routine and Structure: Maintaining a regular routine can provide a sense of stability and predictability, which can be comforting for individuals who experience dissociative episodes.

  6. Creative Outlets: Engaging in creative activities such as drawing, writing, or playing music can offer a therapeutic outlet for expressing feelings and experiences that might be difficult to articulate verbally.

  7. Support Networks: Building a supportive network of friends, family, or peer support groups can provide emotional support and understanding, which is crucial for individuals dealing with dissociative symptoms.

  8. Journaling: Keeping a journal to document triggers, emotions, and episodes can help identify patterns and improve understanding of one's experiences, which can be useful in managing symptoms.

  9. Safe Space: Creating a safe and comforting space to go to when feeling overwhelmed or dissociative can provide a sense of security and help in managing distressing emotions.

  10. Professional Support: Even outside of therapy sessions, staying in contact with a mental health professional or having a plan in place for acute episodes can provide reassurance and a safety net in case of severe dissociative episodes.

It's crucial for individuals experiencing frequent dissociative freezing to seek professional help. Therapy can provide personalized strategies and support for managing dissociation and addressing underlying issues. If someone is in immediate danger or experiencing severe symptoms, it's important to seek emergency help or contact a mental health crisis service