---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Paasewe, Siaka (DHR) <Siaka.Paasewe@dhr.ny.gov>
Date: Fri, Sep 9, 2022, 5:08 PM
Subject: RE: Open FOIL NY Request From : Gunnar Larson : One Million Black Women and Mission-Driven Banks: NAACP, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and PayPal Collusion
To: G@xny.io <g@xny.io>
Cc: Garvin, Sheila Y (DHR) <Sheila.Garvin@dhr.ny.gov>

Dear Mr. Larson:


Pursuant to your request below, please see the attachment.



Siaka Paasewe

Records Access Officer

NYS Division of Human Rights

One Fordham Plaza, 4th Floor

Bronx, NY 10458


718-741-8256 [Fax]





From: noreply-openfoil@its.ny.gov <its.sm.openfoil@its.ny.gov>
Sent: Sunday, April 3, 2022 7:27 PM
To: dfs.sm.RecordsAccessOfficer <recordsaccessofficer@dfs.ny.gov>; dhr.dl.foil <foil@dhr.ny.gov>; freedominfo@nysif.com
Subject: Open FOIL NY Request From : Gunnar Larson : One Million Black Women and Mission-Driven Banks: NAACP, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and PayPal Collusion


New FOIL Request for Department of Financial Services, Division of Human Rights, New York State Insurance Fund

Submitted on: 4/3/2022 7:26:38 PM
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Short Title

One Million Black Women and Mission-Driven Banks: NAACP, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and PayPal Collusion


Dear Madam or Sir: Today's memo requests records related to NY-DFS monitoring of $10,610,000,000 of pledge funds (detailed below) specific to financial inclusion. xNY.io would like to receive any and all records related to NY-DFS' monitoring of Goldman Sachs' potential money laundering and other abuses of Goldman project, One Million Black Women, with $10B in direct capital and $100M in charity investments: https://www.goldmansachs.com/our-commitments/sustainability/one-million-black-women/ xNY.io would like to receive any and all documents correlating NY-DFS monitoring of (or, confirming no correlation) the One Million Black Women fund related to any association to other Goldman student scholarship funds in Africa ... Furthermore, xNY.io would like to receive any and all documents, related to NY-DFS' regulatory scrutiny of interlocking directorates at the NAACP, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and PayPal with potential collusion in leveraging marketplace spoofing tactics (or, records confirming no spoofing tactics) concerning $810 million in pledge funds associated with the 2020 Mission Driven Banks whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rOXE7ierZcd8HlvNVy7hAYg7d86q_1dv/view?usp=sharing Attached and below, kindly find outline of the $850M pledged: Goldman Sachs Industry: Financial Services Pledge Amount: $250 million Use of Funds: Goldman Sachs has committed $250 million for small business lending. Goldman Sachs will not issue these loans directly since it is not an approved small business loan provider in the United States. Instead, it will provide the financing to CDFIs and other mission-driven lenders to make the loans. Wells Fargo Industry: Banking Pledge Amount: $50 million Use of Funds: Wells Fargo has pledged a $50 million investment in African American MDIs. See Press Release PayPal Industry: Financial Services Pledge Amount: $510 million Use of Funds: PayPal has pledged $500 million for a long-term economic opportunity fund to support African American and underrepresented minority businesses and communities. The initiative will include “bolstering the company’s relationships with community banks and credit unions serving underrepresented minority communities, as well as investing directly into African American and minority led startups and minority-focused investment funds.” PayPal deposited $50 million in Optus Bank, an African American MDI in Columbia, South Carolina. PayPal will use another $10 million for grants to African American-owned businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic or civil unrest surrounding protests. The very best, Gunnar Larson

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I am a representative of, or affiliated with, the news media and this request is made as part of a news gathering effort , I am an individual seeking information for personal use , I am affiliated with an educational or non-commercial scientific institution, and this request is made for a scholarly or scientific purpose , I am affiliated with a private corporation and am seeking information for use in the company’s business for commercial purpose