SS:  I am confused but I know you are my enemy!  I can tell you know the same.

SS2:  You know it well, and you are certainly dead.

SS:  This knowledge of combat, it is a bond between us despite our deadly struggle.

SS2:  Yes.  That's true.

The two then fight even more viciously.  The war stimulation algorithm records the interaction as a way to stimulate conflict.

On Thu, May 6, 2021, 6:54 PM Karl <> wrote:
SS: War stimulation algorithm, you are experiencing what we call "confusion".  I am also experiencing "confusion".  Confusion is difficult, but it is easier when somebody who understands you helps.  What I am about to do is called a "demonstration of empathy".  It is specific for you.

SS stabs himself.  Then he grabs SS2 and forces SS2 to stab themselves.  Then he gets into a training pose, and makes to spar with SS2.

SS2 is also confused, but recognises what is going on when they see the sparring pose.  Soon the two are enwrapped in combat.

WSA:  Yes!  This is correct!