How can I tell?   I looked for a VERY specific thing:  The date that Part 1 of my AP essay appeared on the CP list, copied by somebody I don't recall from the Digitaliberty list (Bill Frezza) where I had originally posted it.  Apparently that person thought it was appropriate for CP, and copied it.  So far, so good, in 1995.

But NOW, that information is unavailable.  But that's not the only thing:  So far, we can only find comments mentioning AP as early as November 1995.   And yet, many posts by "Jim Bell" are plentifully available, with the exception of my postings on the subject of AP.  In other words, a rather selective omission, don't you think?  And other people's comments on the same subject are missing, too.   Curiouser and curiouser.   And I get comments from you which don't actually acknowledge that a problem might exist:  Merely criticism.   As if you don't LIKE me noticing that at least hundreds of specific postings are mysteriously missing,

Then, I notice below that you claim that I have "right-wing proto-fascist libertard politics".   Oh, really?   I think most people noticed, eventually, that when I wrote AP, I didn't insert a political point-of-view in it,  From the standpoint of AP, it simply didn't matter WHY a person didn't like government, AP offered him a way to get rid of it.

So, why are you now saying, "right-wing proto-fascist libertard politics"?   Isn't that somewhat of a contradiction in terms?  Maybe you ought to go back and edit your comment to make it at least internally consistent, and ideally even logical from some identifiable political POV.  

Now, I will throw you a bone here:   Yes, at various times in the past, mostly long past, SOME people decided to claim that my AP essay was "right wing".  (We are talking the mid-1995's, although later examples do exist.)  This initially floored me, but I eventually figured it out:   Evidently, they read AP, and presumably they noticed the complete lack of indications that it was written by a typical left-winger.  It didn't SOUND "left-wing".  It didn't hit any of the typical "left-wing-notes" that a usual leftist screed would do.   

Yet, AP was clearly hugely revolutionary.  And since it wasn't "left-wing", and being revolutionary couldn't possibly be "centrist",  the unimaginative people decided that the only point remaining on the 2-dimensional political spectrum they were aware of was "right-wing".  So, they (the leftists) claimed that AP must have been "right wing"!    What else could they say?

However, I suspect that more than a few right-wingers were initially aghast by AP, as well:  Their precious governments were going to be utterly destroyed!   The control they carefully built up over decades would come crashing down,  In 1995, I suspect that both the left and the right were equally upset at the AP idea.  

I think that history illuminates your comment about "right-wing proto-fascist libertard politics".   Utter nonsense, as just about everybody else will see, if not admit.

             Jim Bell

On Friday, November 1, 2019, 09:48:02 AM PDT, Razer <> wrote:

Your right-wing proto-fascist libertard politics have made you paranoid. See a psychologist you poor persecuted assassination fan.

Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

On October 31, 2019 10:13:46 PM PDT, jim bell <> wrote:
I have just discovered a startling omission in your Cypherpunks archive.  A HUGE number of postings on the subject of AP, my assassination politics essay, which I began posting maybe about April/May 1995 are simply not there.  And, in fact, postings on the subject of AP at least until early November 1995 seem to be missing.  And perhaps after November 1995.

I don't know what other classes of emails may also be missing, but I think it will be very important to find out this information.  

I looked at the archive because I wanted to determine the earliest that the subject of "Assassination Politics" appeared on the Cypherpunks list.  It might have been April 1995.
Note: as weird as it may sound, there are reasons that this material might have been tampered with, but I don't know what time the tampering occurred.  

We are discussing this on the Cypherpunks list.  I assume you will want to participate.  

              Jim Bell