traffick boss traffick boss

traffick boss was a vampire and somebody hammered a stake through his chest (XP — smilie with tongue sticking out and X for eyes)
traffick boss is in pain from the stake through his heart
it hurts intensely whenever he moves
he plays a video game to try to distract from the pain and immobility

but, during down times while playing the video game, when it is lagging or loading, he gets a little distracted and slowly realizes that he can move a little bit despite the incredible discomfort. by doing this during loading screens here and there, he slowly gets himself to a doctor’s office (/emergency room)

doctor: “hello mr, um” (looks at writing) “traffick boss” (looks back at traffick boss and smiles) “! what seems to be the matter today?”

traffick boss (vampire, stake sticking through heart, obsessively playing video game): “oh doc” (makes move, spasms in pain, playing video game) “i was a happy vampire full of joy and somebody hammered this stake through my heart” (displays stake sticking out of chest, spasms in pain, makes move in video game) “do you know what to do?”

doctor looks at traffick boss’s chest where stake is sticking out

doctor: “hmmm ….”

(considering: doct—
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