On Sun, Apr 25, 2021, 2:34 AM grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried to send this to libtech but I don't seem to be able to

At least two posts silently censored there this week alone,
plus now perhaps or likely yours.

If you consider censorship as a result of brainwashing and coercion than it is far more than two.

Libtech et al are run by such censors, they censor libertarian,

This doesn't appear true to me.  It looks more like people with the goal of censorship influence communities and the people running them, whereas the people running them are often anti-censorship.  Think of the dns hijinks the cypherpunks list had to contend with recently.  The hackerspaces.org list has had server issues preventing much list activity and new subscriptions for months (hopefully fixed by now? haven't checked.  might need relevant reminders at their meetings).

freedom, alternate views, refutations, and crypto speech, while
permitting piles of lame job conference and paper posts.
Libtech, cryptography, tor... all now silently cowardly, censored,
and dead... any former ethos gone, now pro GovCorp force of death
leftist "democracy", anti actual freedom peace love anarchy,
quite possibly sold out. Sad really.

When a public list is used to stimulate controversial discourse people are eventually hired by a third party to suppress whatever discourse their job is to suppress.  Consider if we were planning and succeeding at, in an organised manner, the takedown of the chinese military.  We'd been seen as a military threat and casually stopped.

Any system capable of predicting behaviour,
is a system that will be abused to control fuck and enslave you.

The only valid reason to discover and catalog the state of it,
is to fight back against it until it is gone.

These things are obvious, but need to be done to reach the goal.

That includes putting the technology in the hands of the people rather than private behavior markets.