On Sep 23, 2016 2:04 PM, "rooty" wrote:

> I aint no troll!!!!!!

>Yes, you do are a troll.

>In your first message on this list, you used the nick "jaun" and asked about John Young and Cryptome  (thread:  "Cryptome run by feds").

its not rocket science to figure out that a site that hosts CIA names and address and other confidental shit that there is some sort of cooperation at some level -

>In another topic  (thread:  "Number of onions online", you mentioned that "[Tor] is [used 99,9% for] illegal activity and drugs".  And the rest is for your "honey pot"."

its all a bunch of sites promoting illigal activity. Go ahead and run OnionScan see what you find - cloning and spoofing darknet URL's is a favorite  he he!

>Your second message using the nick "rooty" was bizarre and aggressive.  You posted the link for one of
the most bizarre, stupid and racist videos that I saw, on a thread named "Niggers".

Hey - its created by a black man and is so true I posted the link again -  Until we reconnize the difference we will never solve the problem -

>Being sincere, I had no stomach for watching this video, named "How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?".  It's disgusting, nasty, harmful to offend the black people.  Someone who judges a person for the melanin in their skin doesn't deserve and doesn't have my respect.

Has nothing to do with the color of their skin - its probable a good idea to obey orders when confronted by law -

"Cypher Piggie" wrote several times the word "nigga", very racist.  You have the Cypher Piggie from Hell patterns, not me and never John Young.  I am not a "nigga", troll, I am a "Jap", but offending my black bros is really to ask for being kicked right in the balls.  Remember it.

>dont know Cyper Piggie - my experience is its ok for blacks to use the word nigga not whites!

>Your next thread was "Xorcist = Coderman".  Guy, Xorcist and Coderman are different persons, with different styles and points of view.  Horrible bet!  You just offended Xorcist and, if he is still alive and reading the list, Coderman.

Coderman is locked up -

>And, finally, this absurd thread "Cypher piggie = JY = sea sea". 

Cypher piggie disappeared - its not a good idea to put a hit out on someones life -

>Get a life and go study, make something useful to the group and to the world
 fair enough.

        >sea sea

        root root