On 02/20/2017 08:11 PM, jim bell wrote:

From: Razer <g2s@riseup.net

On 02/20/2017 07:57 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
>> The story in question, being confirmed from many, many sources, being
>> that Sweden now has extraordinarily high levels of rape.

>Orlando, where trump said that stupid thing, had more rapes last year
(7,537) than all of Sweden (5,920)

>Sources here: https://twitter.com/AuntieImperial/status/833885835242016772

I wonder what that tells us about the demographics of Orlando vs. Sweden?  (I'd say more, but it wouldn't be Politically Correct.)

             Jim Bell

Orlando probably has a lot of sexual predators hanging around b/c DisneyWorld ... meaning young female tourists and college students. It also has quite the population of Cuban racketeering Gusanos and ex-mercenaries like the guy who shot up that Gay bar. Young women around mobsters and mercs = high rape risk.

Point is Sweden is NOT the "Rape capital of the world", and the number of rapes is DOWN considerably since 2014.
