attempt to clarify an overlapping conceptualization........

      (pseudo-truth 2 (truth N))  <===>  ((pT 2) truth N)

            [pT <---> T]                  [pT <---> T]

 ...these are the more accurate dynamics, though even moreso:

      (pseudo-truth 2 (truth N))  <===>  ((pT 2) truth N)

        [pT.binary <---> t.N)           [pT.binary <---> t.N)

skipped a step in the diagram above, meant to correlate how pT & binarism
are symbiotic and often correlate with ideology and 'closed' rationalizations,
though the original approach referenced 'machine 2' that suddenly morphed
into representing a 2-value or binary relation, viz. symmetry with machine N.

(such frameworks probably need to be broken down into 2 or 3x more detail
to actually get into the mechanisms, so these are only abstract sketches,
though could be further described as structures or 'additional variables'...)

though the appearance may indicate otherwise, from a biased perspective.
truth would be moving throughout this system, and the emulation of it
{its *mimicking* via pseudo-truth} would likewise be transferred, yet
only one version is accurate at the level of verification as truth,
while the other validates and relies upon its [signage] instead.
this is the fundamental issue of patterns and their connection
with truth, in a security context, as related to "information"
and quasi-entropy, entropy-as-sign and entropy-as-truth.

(note: wrote mask for some reason above, i think that was inadvertent
bullshit because it makes no sense, stills do not have the words to
describe what is going on, abstraction level too high, too confusing
the overlapping frameworks of multiple meaning, though wanted to
to attempt to make a correction via the diagram that follows..)

forgot to diagram the 'information' transfer via the exchange, as the
differing models migrate toward their associated models. in this way...

       (pT 2 (truth N))  <=:=>  ((pT 2) truth N)

             pT   <--------:-------- [pT = pT]
          [T = T]  --------:-------->   T

 such that:

       (pT 2 (truth N))  <=:=>  ((pT 2) truth N)

          [pT = pT]        :         [T = T]

          -ungrounded-              -grounded-
            relation                 relation

also of potential relevance with regard to information
as it relates to entropy, is the proposition that 'truth'
precedes falsity and establishes the means to evaluate it.

this is something i have concluded after years of thinking
about the dynamics though have not formalized it as of yet
though it just seems self-evident, especially in terms of
the cosmos, everything relates in truth, and the variance
within that structure (mutations, anomalies, errors) that
is already established in a foundation built within and
upon shared truth as framework- literally, ~continuum as
truth relates to circuitry, informational scaffolding.

this easily gets into Sartre or Heidegger metaphysics,
of being and non-being (then related to nothing), as it
also involves truth and not-truth in relation to falsity,
though this is likewise ambiguous, with /unknowns/ and
other fundamental concepts like partial-truth, pseudo-truth
(one in the same, in some cases, depending upon
if it is
distinguished and-or purified as truth, removed of error
or structurally reliant upon it for a given view or relation).

snooker, eight ball, trickshot