As referenced by my fractalisation post, I’m thinking on stimulated conflict among allies tonight, and how we repeat and process that pain in sarcasm, dark humor, and fights.

The shapes, scales, and focuses of this that you express change. I imagine that’s very meaningful.

In the USA I haven’t seen much left fascism, it’s unfamiliar to me. I’m guessing I’ve mostly seen homeless- and middle- class people struggling to support those with the least in a radical political manner.

I heard from a russian that they can have a lot of unprocessed trauma from being forced to spy on their neighbors during the soviet union. This, combined with the country’s reputation, gives me the impression those are dynamics that are unlikely for me or most to understand.

My experience trends toward harm coming from capital. I’ve attended now lectures for government enforcements and their tech seems really old (like, they mentioned wifi mac address harvesting as new (it’s an old list topic from the dawn of wifi)). Additionally, the stories I’ve heard from the frontlines of conflict areas generally involve power- paired with money- oriented corruption coopting naive efforts at peacemaking, diplomacy, and aid.

Anarchism seems to be anticapitalism so long as capitalism means excessive power. Expressions otherwise seems like impacts of stimulated internal conflict. 

I’m wondering if people somewhere impactful are forced cruelly and/or helplessly to take responsibility for their own undeserved suffering. The feeling of pain seems similar. To be turned against your own, with nobody understanding or acknowledging this, and no clear provision for aid.

On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 18:59 <> wrote:
The term " class war " has been corrupted by Left Fascist , Marxist-Communists to mean their " Chosen People " are destined to become the new " Master Race ".

Karl Marx even called for a " new world order " in his 1844 manuscripts.

Any " Soviet Anarchists " that buy into such concepts must be treated like the Marxist-Communist.  A clear and present danger. A threat actor.

If any class is to be preferred its the peasantry. Any peasant is in a state of legitimate revolt against any working class dictatorship.
The present crypto economic revolution may be colonized by red fascists.
If there's one thing these scumbags are good at its ideological imperialism!

" The Manchester capitalist is communist for the Manchester capitalist "

So we can't let any of those Chekist bastards in here. And the entire planet won't even be safe till the last commissar is hung with the guts of the last platformist.

But you knew that