Many of the problems of police enforcement, especially unwarranted violence, cannot be solved until the human officers are replaced by androids. The almost universal reason for excessive violence are unfit officers and the officer's fear of injury or death. When this is no longer a factor there is no longer a reason for this violence. 

On Wed, Jul 22, 2020, 5:44 PM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
Some people seem to like to direct their anger at external authorities, or treat certain other humans with disdain because they've had a bad experience with someone else of the same profession/job/ race/ sex/ whatever.

There are bad apples around, but it may be in your personal interest to keep in mind that many police officers at least originally joined the police because they either wanted to make a positive difference in their community, and/or they actually wanted to see righteousness upheld in their community and the obvious corollary, to see unrighteousness be held to account.

Such principles at least in their essence are honourable, and with inherent dignity.

As many with open eyes can see, there are powerful forces at work today, particularly in the USA, which are acting with the intention to bring about great chaos in your communities, and one way they do this is by using their dogs in the media to try to program the sheeple to see external authorities as purely negative and without any redeeming factors.

Such dichotomies or black and white absolutes, are obviousy false even at a quick glance, and we do no favour to ourselves, or to those we care about, to hold to such black/white bullshit.

When roaming gangs come to the door of you and those you love, a natural instinct for many is to immediately seek the support of external authorities which at least nominally are intended to be in such a role of support.

We are all human, with human failings and human tendencies.

We ought consider carefully the "mainstream media" narratives we are fed, and the foundation intentions which might be underlying the messages put to us.

We each play a role in creating our world, and sitting on the fence "as a mugwud bird, with his mug on one side, and his wud on the other side of that fence, pretending to be impartial" is an actual choice, and in this sense is a very real action, with very real consequences - because you see, he might think he is "impartial", but he still shits on one side of the fence...

Our maker endowed us with some capacity for discrimination, and perhaps now is a useful time to get back to using this power of discrimination, to actively discriminate between right and wrong, truth and bullshit, good and evil.