On Jan 23, 2022 1:45 PM, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:.      

>New Hampshire Pharmacies Could Soon 

 >   3.7 Billion doses have been dispensed to humans, to human beings…
not horses.

  >  This is a remarkable drug. It has broad spectrum anti-parasitic,
effective against a whole bunch of parasites, and as we heard, it is
very effective against RNA viruses: HIV virus, zika virus, influenza
virus, SARS-CoV-2 virus. In addition, what makes this a truly
astonishing drug, and there is no other drug like it, it is a potent
anti-inflamatory drug.

  >  And if anybody knows about Covid, Covid goes through stages. A
viral replicative phase to a profound inflammatory phase. That’s why
Ivermectin is unique in that it treats across the spectrum of

(Lotta snip)

Jim Bell's comment:

The position all governments should take is that while they don't know for certain how much benefit Ivermectin will provide, they should disclose what ranges of dosages would be reasonably safe.  

For instance if the LD50 of Ivermectin is the same as a rat, 51 milligram per kilogram, it should be 5.1 grams for a 100-kilogram (220 pound) person, they should disclose that approximate number for what it is,  and further what actual dose would likely be 'safe':. Perhaps 1/100 of that amount, or whatever they believe it to be.  

And no, I'm not suggesting people not get vaccinated.  Quite the opposite, but they should also be prepared to take drugs which are generally reported to have benefits.

Ivermectin, Famotidine (Pepcid), diphenhydramine, lactoferrin, fluvoxamine, and others.