On Friday, July 24, 2020, 12:40:37 PM PDT, таракан <cryptoanalyzers@protonmail.com> wrote:


>(I don't say that specifically for you Jim Bell, whether you are the 'real' Jim bell or a fake) 

If you want to find out that I am the "real" Jim Bell, we could do a Skype call.  There are a few pictures of me already available using Google, and a few videos on YouTube of me.  (There are MANY videos  of "Jim Bells", nearly all of which AREN'T me!!!)

The following picture was taken May 2000 by Declan McCullagh.


>@Jim bell (if you are the right one) 

About 30 years ago, I got a phone call from somebody looking for a "Jim Bell".  A few questions, and the caller said, "you aren't the right Jim Bell".
I responded:  "That's odd!  All these years, I THOUGHT I WAS the RIGHT Jim Bell!"
The caller chuckled.

>What your years in jail brought to your mind? What sort of ideology? Concepts ?

In a truly astonishing event of monumental engineering and scientific importance, I made a discovery and then a large series of inventions based on the concept of substitution of isotopes.  See  daltonium.com for a very brief sampling.  
My college degree is a BS in Chemistry from MIT (1980), but I also had an extensive history of experience in electronics.  The story of this discovery will eventually be the weirdest tale of discovery in the entire history of science.  I need to write the whole thing up in a book.  

Generally, people are taught that isotopes are atoms with different numbers of neutrons, leading to them having different weights.  That is quite true, but it turns out that isn't the only difference.  Some isotopes have either an odd numbers of neutrons, or an odd number of protons.  Either condition (or both) causes a nucleus to have 'electromagnetic spin', a permanent mechanical wobble which results in a tiny permanent magnetic field:  Think of it as a nanoscopic permanent magnet suspended in space.  This leads some isotopes to have different mechanical and electronic properties, but different in ways all engineers and nearly all scientists either didn't notice, or didn't bother with.  Since separation of isotopes has been extremely expensive, the only useful inventions are those where the benefit of of the invention exceeds the cost of the isotope separation.  And so far, I'm the only person who understands these effects and how to apply them to existing materials and devices.  


>Sometimes I think that dying is easy but surviving is hard. The same I think going to jail is easy but defeating a bunch of special agents with guns is hard...

Yes, that's pretty much it!

             The RIGHT "Jim Bell"