I don't understand: isn't antidiscrimination needed to prevent eventual violent rebellion from people who are discriminated against?



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en masse, for profit.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020, 5:49 AM Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Awesome news folks, the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board (in
NSW, Australia) "is on the verge of a catastrophic defeat"!!!

Fan, freaking, tastic, BatMan!

Not quite there yet on this front, but thousands have contributed from
their wallets, from their prayers, and from their moral support to
Bernard and his family - they went through some really tough times,
even before Covid tought us the meaning of "tough" <:D>.  Seriously,
Gaynor is a trooper and so many have played their small part.

It ain't over yet either!  Cancel culture might have just taken a hit,
but there's a metric tonne to go yet.  Stay the course!

Pray, muffas!

Pray for righteousness, for justice to prevail, and for those good men
under attack to find the strength within to stay the course of truth
and justice.


----- Forwarded message from Bernard Gaynor
<personal@bernardgaynor.com.au> -----

From: Bernard Gaynor <personal@bernardgaynor.com.au>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2020 08:15:42 +0000
Subject: Free Speech update: Garry Burns is bankrupt
X-Mailer: MailChimp Mailer - **CID932b777af0761ea41511**
List-ID: 2f7e1c8c95718aa1558f96210mc list

Garry Burns has filed for bankruptcy

View this email in your browser

Dear Zenaan,

Garry Burns is bankrupt.

This does not mean that his complaints against me are over. There is
still a process to unfold. But it does mean that they could end soon.
Then the work of holding the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Board
to account will begin.

I have written some thoughts about Burns' bankruptcy here

And this piece highlights
the important victories that we have achieved since this farcical saga
first began. You will not hear about these victories in the mainstream

When we take stock, it is clear that the New South Wales
anti-discrimination industry is on the verge of a catastrophic defeat.

These victories are proof that conservatives can win. They are also
proof that those who attack us have complete disregard for the law.

However, there is still work to be done. I still have legal costs to
pay and still face proceedings in the NSW Civil and Administrative
Tribunal, NSW Local Court, NSW Supreme Court and High Court of
Australia. If you wish to assist, please donate here.

I have also commenced action to examine Garry Burns' financial
affairs. I have reason to believe that this may be an explosive
process. Stay tuned.

On Tuesday night at 8pm I will be appearing on Pellowe Talk to discuss
these matters.

Tune in online by visiting
and clicking on the live stream. I will also be speaking about my
latest podcast which focuses on the attack on free speech and 'cancel

You can view this by clicking below:

Finally, thank you for your ongoing support, prayers, encouragement
and generosity. These victories would not be possible without you.

Kind regards,

Bernard Gaynor
Christus Rex!

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Copyright © 2020 Bernard Gaynor, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Bernard Gaynor
PO Box 766
Park Ridge, Qld 4125
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