I wondered what was written on this list the day I was born.Apparently, Tim may wasn't just a fascist, he was a biased man.I have a lot of single friends, and they're all cleaner than married people.Being clean is one's own choice.I think Tim may says that only women clean.

2 years ago, my best friend got married and she doesn't like to clean:)When I go to her house, I clean things up, for example, in the oven, it's dirty, and I clean it up.Cleaning is entirely one's own choice.She can cook in a dirty oven, but I don't do that.We are women, but we're different, and some guys are really good at cleaning.Cleaning is a sexless job


At 10:21 PM -0700 7/9/97, Steve Schear wrote:
>I know this is off-topic for the list...
>But why hasn't some cleaver graduate student engineered a common mold or
>yeast to yield easily extracted (or directly ingestible) common
>recreational pharmaceuticals?  Ideally it would be a perpetual source, like
>sour dough starter, and easily cultured.  Once distributed to the street it
>would be impossible to stop or track (since no controlled chemicals would
>be required for production).

You know, if Jim Bell was still contributing to the list, the chemist in
him would surely produce some posts on this.

Then, when the narcs and BATFags searched his house and found the
inevitable mold on the bread, the curdled milk, etc. (Jim is a bachelor,
and a computer person, so the mold, etc. is inevitable) they could add this
to the indictment.

And "The Oregonian" could breathlessly headline: "Drug-Producing Molds
Found in Home of Terror-Chemist."

--Tim May