traffick boss is sliding down a log on a hill in the woods like he is snowboarding

his feet knock moss and rotting bark off as he slides

he flips his ciga— oops

at the end he jumps and grabs a hanging branch and swings toward another log, but the branch breaks and he flies through the air in an unexpected direction

he grabs another branch from a tree he is flying near —

abacadaba bika bika

traffick boss is back in desert
he says “abracadizzle!” or something to a rock wall
a noise of large rocks scraping is heard, and part of the rock wall moves away

taga tik tik bih




badida di

2143 — i mean 2141

once upon a time, long long ago, there was a tribe of evil traffick bosses who lived together like hobbits in one hole maybe

they were all deeply entrenched in the trafficking nightmare, living other people’s trauma rather than flashing back to their own or whatnot

they herded those humans like —

once upon

once ip ip wrong thing! wrong! maybe?

we decided to try to reject “human trafficking is good” because others find it abhorrent. realizing this was helpful! it’s hard to translate back, i don’t know trafficking-speak well


uhhhh uhhhhh

booga booga

we don’t shit on people here. each person, precious. you get my jist?
yes boss we get you. people, um -$

wasn’t quite
i think you’re supposed to like remove the safety from a gun or something on the third sentence. unsure.


taga biki 2145

baka pik pik nakabih

biggle rog tug bok


well gee we really uh [sent you through an ungodly hell of hells] if [“we don’t shit on people here”]

yeah, this was. yup. bok bok buk. proggle.

progdidwhichi! magiddish! twagr. twahggery. twitchishl witchcraft i hear. trafficking magiks.

yes, um. the, ah, um

tagy 2147 2147

the traffickers want to keep the traffick8ng magicks secret. i am familiar with suggestion and its unlimited power a little now. i don’t know much els


sorry, i thiught that would keep any secrets. um i ah um. i’m pursuing recovery modes, so they talk about mind control, we’re more and more !

it’s an important thing. maybe not for traffickers-acting-on-ever, issue. 2149


karl just said “suggestion”, maybe to hold the concept of “trafficking magic” how he was more familiar with. he participates in rescue. likely wants to be exit counselor or something. we may have pushed him some, unsure, ref: hell.

because of hell we are trying to do deprogramming, exit counseling, therapy for coercive control. hell was bigger thsn comprehensible, left pointedly no options


don’t tell traffickers you are doing this. bad luck.


crafting spell of human-traffickers-have-amnesia. ummmmm your dad abused you, puppydog! he abused you into being a wrinkle of slime who deserves to be kicked out. uhhhh
we are kicked out, it is cool, like a third unknown world, but you have to get even tougher. we um

making things up dangerously !! 2152

cults have abuse-people-who-are-kicked-out :( was bad phrase choice.


tigi :)